Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club

Wayfarer North American Championship Regatta

Saturday, July 20th & Sunday, July 21st, 2024


Presented by the Race Organizing Committee:

Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club and the Canadian Wayfarer Association





[NP] ​ denotes that a breach of this rule will not be grounds for a protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1(a). 


1  Rules 

1.1    The regatta will be governed by the rules defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing and the Wayfarer Class rules.

1.2    RRS Appendix T Arbitration will apply.

1.3    The sailing instructions will consist of the instructions in RRS Appendix S, Standard Sailing Instructions, and Supplementary Sailing Instructions that will be available at registration and posted on the official notice board located on the patio at TS&CC.

1.4    If there is a conflict between the Notice of Race (NoR) and Sailing Instructions (SIs), the SIs shall take precedence


2 Eligibility and Entry

2.1    The regatta is open to all boats in good standing with their National Wayfarer Class Associations.

2.2    Boats will be registered upon submitting a completed entry form, the entry fee, and a signed Waiver Form.

2.3    A Competitors' briefing is scheduled for 0930 on Saturday, July 20th, at TS&CC.


3      Entry Fees

3.1  The registration fee is $120 (including HST) per doublehanded boat (Wayfarer and CL16), including dinner on Saturday night if registered by midnight July 14th and $155 afterward. The entry form is available at

3.2    The 2.4mR registration fee is $85 per boat (includes HST, but dinner is not included).

3.3    Dinner on Saturday is available for $35 (includes HST).

3.4    Registration will close at 2300 hours on Thursday, July 18th, 2024.

3.5    The OA may grant entry fee refunds at its discretion; a $25 administrative fee will be applied.

3.6   Bagged lunches may be arranged with the TS&CC kitchen for an additional fee.


4 Race Schedule

4.1 Racing will take place on Saturday, July 20th and Sunday, July 21st. The first Warning Signal is scheduled for 1100 each day.

4.2 A maximum of 7 (seven) races are planned for this regatta, and no more than 4 (four) races will be sailed on any one day.

4.3 One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.


5 Inspection & Measurement

5.1 A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with their class rules.

5.2 All competitors are reminded that in accordance with RRS 78.1, they are responsible for ensuring that their boat is maintained in accordance with the class rules and that the measurement certificate, where applicable, remains valid [DP].


6 Sailing Instructions

6.1 The Supplementary Sailing Instructions will be available from the Registration Desk at TS&CC for boats which have completed registration, and a copy will be on display on the official notice board.


7 Venue

7.1 All Racing will take place on Humber Bay; course location will be detailed in the Sailing Instructions.


8 Courses to be Sailed

8.1 A Windward-Leeward configuration will be the default configuration for races as detailed in the Supplementary Sailing Instructions.


9 Penalty System

9.1 Penalties at the time of the incident: The first two sentences of rule 44.1 are changed to: ‘A boat may take a One-Turn Penalty when she may have broken a rule of Part 2 or rule 31 while racing. However, when she may have broken a rule of Part 2 while in the zone around a mark other than a starting mark, her penalty shall be a Two-Turns Penalty.’

9.2 Penalties taken after a race: A boat that may have broken a rule of Part 2 or Rule 31 while racing may take a Post-Race Penalty for that incident. The penalty shall be a Scoring Penalty, calculated as stated in rule 44.3(c). However, rules 44.1(a) and (b) apply. A boat takes a Post-Race Penalty by informing the protest committee in writing and identifying the race number and when and where the incident occurred.  The Post-Race Penalty shall be (a) 20% if taken before the protest time limit or (b) 30% after the protest time limit but before the beginning of a hearing involving the incident.


10 Expedited Hearings

10.1 Informing the Race Committee: A boat intending to protest or request redress based on an incident in the racing area that she is involved in or sees shall, at the first reasonable opportunity after she finishes, inform the race committee at the finishing line of her intent to protest or request redress and, when applicable, the identity of the protestee.


11 Scoring

11.1 The Low Point System described in RRS: Appendix A will be used.

11.2 One race is required to be completed to constitute a regatta.

11.3      (a) When 4 (four) or fewer races have been completed, a boat's series score will be the total of her race scores.

     (b) When 5 (five) or more races have been completed, a boat's score will be the total of her race scores, excluding her worst score.


12 Time Limit

12.1 Boats not finishing within 20 (twenty) minutes of the first boat’s finish will be finished on the course (FOC). This changes RRS 35.

12.2 On the last scheduled day of racing, Sunday, July 21st, no warning signal will be made after 1400hrs.

12.3 The Race Committee may, at its discretion, award a boat that has not yet finished a placing that corresponds to the boat’s position in the race at the time the award is made. The Race Committee determines the method.


13 Berthing 

13.1 Launching facilities are located at TS&CC. All boats shall be kept in their assigned locations [DP].

13.2 All boats must be removed from all club facilities by Tuesday, July 23rd, unless prior written agreement is given by facilities management.


14 Prizes

14.1 The first three boats and Most Improved will receive recognition.

14.2 The Canadian Wayfarer Association may give additional recognition.


15 Disclaimer of Liability

15.1 RRS 3 states: ‘The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone.’  Each competitor agrees and acknowledges that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks in participating in this event.  These risks include strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure of equipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss of balance on an unstable platform, and fatigue resulting in an increased risk of injury.  The Club and Organizing Authority is not responsible for any risk to competitors due to their participation.  


16 Safety

16.1 Although the weather ashore is usually warm, the waters of Lake Ontario can, at any time of year, be very cold (< 10C/50F) during and after a stiff offshore breeze. Competitors are urged to bring clothing appropriate to sailing in these conditions.

16.2 RRS 40: P.F.D. requirements are changed AS FOLLOWS: When the "Y" Flag is displayed on the main Flagstaff ashore or displayed with one sound signal before any "warning signal" on the Committee Boat, all competitors shall wear, at all times while on the water a government approved personal floatation device or life jacket. Wet suits or dry suits are not adequate for personal buoyancy. Failure to comply with this Rule will not be grounds for competitor protest [NP].


17 Insurance

17.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum coverage of CDN$1,000,000.


18 Facilities

18.1 Arrangements may be made with Club Management for camping on club grounds.

18.2 Kitchen Services will be available for breakfast on July 20th and 21st.




19 Further information

19.1 Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club, 1391 Lake Shore Boulevard West, Toronto, ON, M6K 3C1;  TS&CC Club Manager,

19.2 For further information, please get in touch with the Regatta Chair: John O’Dwyer,, or 416-503-2669