Wayfarer Association Executive
Committee Meeting Saturday
23 February 2019, 10:00 am 2 – 489 Beechwood Dr, Waterloo ON
In attendance:
Anne Pugh (chairing), Al
Schonborn, Kit Wallace, Mike Codd, Leo Van Kampen,
Alastair Ryder-Turner, Scott
Ramsay, Sue Pilling (via skype) Regrets: Rob
Wierdsma, Jan d’Ailly, Dave
Hansman 1. There was discussion to set the agenda, which was approved by consensus; 2a. Minutes of the Meeting of 24 November • Acceptance moved by Scott (seconded by Mike): approved as presented 2b. Business Arising • Action items will be discussed under the regular agenda items; 3. Financial Report • Mike reported that there is $2433.16 in the bank; • Kit has an additional $450 between cheques and PayPal; • Most outstanding receipts have been paid; • There was some discussion about the price of webhosting; ◦ the current arrangement seems to be competitively priced; • There was some discussion about using an online service to produce branded merchandise to raise some additional funds; ◦ Scott has found a website that will produce items on demand; ◦ There was general support for the idea with a plan to have the design ready to go ahead in March; ◦
[Action: Scott will share
the web link with Anne; Kit will prepare a design] ◦
There was further discussion
about promoting sales by linking to the website
through event registration; •
Advertising Sue reported on
Steph’s behalf that he is holding about $200 in
cheques that he will send to
Mike; 4. Membership • Kit reported that there are currently 41 members including 14 honorary and 2 supporters; •
[Action: Kit will send Al a
renewal reminder to highlight on the website] •
Jan d’Ailly presented the
results of his survey at the AGM; ◦ One of the comments was that came up was that people were looking for a regular outdate, comparable to the old Whiffle, which led to some discussion about putting out a regular electronic newsletter; ◦ Anne shared an example of the GP14 class association newsletter which is produced and distributed quarterly; ◦ The UKWA produces a similar newsletter; ◦ Al indicated he would be willing to work with whoever is interested in producing an newlsetter; ◦
[Action: Al will share an
example of UKWA newsletter, and will produce a
Canadian example to distribute
by 1
March] note:
Al has begged off that latter commitment;
volunteers needed ◦
There was further discussion of
how broadly to distribute a newsletter (membership,
advertisers, others, eg
members) 5. Events
Calendar • TS&CC is confirmed for the North Americans; • The Pumpkin is confirmed for early October; • The Ontarios are confirmed at RCYC in June in conjunction with LSSA Regatta; • The Bayview One Design is confirmed for 31 May – 2 June; • Mississauga SC will be hosting a one-day Wayfarer/CL regatta followed by the Moe Fraser long distance race on 28 – 29 September; • All other events were previously confirmed; • Dave Hansman had requested that there be a decision on whether to produce hats; ◦ There was some discussion on the desire to continue to award Most Improved; ◦ The second part of the discussion on considering an alternative to hats as a prize; ▪ Anne has a source for items such as coasters, similar to ones that were awarded at Mississauga in previous years ◦ Motion: to continue awarding most improved for the following events: CNats, Ontarios, National Long Distance Race, NAs, Mississauga Wayfarer/CL regatta, Pumpkin, Clark Lake, Midwinters; (moved by Al; seconded by Mike): approved unanimously; ◦
Motion: to award coasters (sample at
right) instead
of hats ◦
[Action: Anne will source
the coasters] •
Worlds ◦
Leo and Sue have trophies that
need to get to the ◦
[Action: Sue will get her
trophy to either Kit before April or to
Scott in June;
the Bacardi Trophy will be
awarded at the AGM] 6. Other Business • Anne reported on attending the USWA AGM ◦
The USWA are looking to get a batch of
rudder blades and ◦ The USWA have started preliminary discussions for possible 2022 World’s at Lake Eustis in February or March; Next meeting: Saturday 23 March 2019, at 10:00 am in Toronto at Alastair’s; Meeting
adjourned at 11:50 am (Alastair
moved by ; seconded by Al) |