Canadian Wayfarer Association
Effective April 30, 2016 and replacing all previous Canadian Wayfarer Owners Association ("CWOA") Rules.

The Canadian Wayfarer Association Constitution must be read in conjunction with the Wayfarer International Committee ("WIC") Constitution and the Wayfarer International Class Rules.

The full title of the Association is the "Canadian Wayfarer Association" ("CWA").


(a) To promote in Canada and elsewhere the Class of One-Design Sailing Dinghy known under the name WAYFARER originally designed by Ian Proctor and made in accordance with the relevant drawings, specifications and stipulations of the Copyright holder when built.
(b) To further the interests of members of the CWA, to govern the affairs of the CWA and to maintain the Membership and Class Register.
(c) To operate as a National Class Association ("NCA") in Canada in accordance with the Constitution of the WIC.    
(d) To organize Rallies and Championships and to coordinate the schedule for other cruises and races for the Wayfarer Class

 The following membership shall be recognized.
(a) Full Member:  Open to any Wayfarer owner or interested party. Entitled to one vote. Full membership covers family members including any offspring under 25.
(b) Supporter Member: Open to any person having an interest in the Wayfarer Class. Shall be entitled to attend and speak at any general meeting of the CWA but shall not have a vote.
(c) Honorary Life Member: Open to any person having an interest in the Wayfarer Class who is proposed by a Full Member and seconded by a Committee Member and Elected by the members at a General Meeting. Entitled to one vote.
(d) Student/Youth Membership:  Open to any Wayfarer owner or interested party under the age of 25. Entitled to one vote.

(a) The rate of Annual Subscriptions shall be proposed by the Committee and voted on by the members at the Annual General Meeting and shall become due on the 1st of April.  A membership paid for after the 1st of November in any year whose shall cover membership for the ensuing year as well.
(b) Any member whose subscription has not been paid by May 31st of any year will have their name suspended from the Membership List until  payment of subscription.                                                        
(c ) Every member shall furnish the Membership Secretary with up-to-date postal and electronic addresses which shall be recorded in the register of members of the CWA and any notice to such address shall be deemed to have been duly delivered.

(a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee as set forth in Paragraph 5(g).  If all posts are not filled, the Committee shall be deemed to be legally constituted provided it contains the Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Chief Measurer and two other officers.  Five Committee Members shall constitute a quorum.
(b) Without limiting the foregoing, the Committee has the power to:
1. Interpret and apply all rules and make recommendations to members for amendments, new rules, by-laws and other matters.
2. Recruit additional members.
3. Fill vacancies occurring among the Elected Officers.
4. Appoint an Auditor.
5. Perform any other act or duty imposed on it or one or more of its members by in accordance with these Rules.
(c) If the Committee directs an electronic ballot to be made, the proposal shall be so worded as to be answerable by a simple "Yes" or "No".  A time limit of 14 days from the date of despatch from the Secretary shall be set for reply.  The electronic vote is not valid unless at least one tenth of those with voting rights reply and no resolution shall be carried unless at least two thirds of the votes cast are "Yes" votes.  Decisions on electronic votes shall be reported within 21 days by email notice and notice on the website to all members and shall go into effect at that time.
(d) If it is deemed to be in the best interests of the CWA, the Committee may grant a temporary local dispensation in respect to the Class Rules.  This shall be operative immediately until such time as it may be revoked.  Notice of the dispensation shall be submitted to the WIC.
(e) The Committee shall collaborate with the copyright holders in the maintenance of one-design status and in ensuring suitable standards and quality in the building of boats in order to safeguard the interests of the Class.
(f) Annual Election of Officers will be held at the Annual General Meeting of the Association for the Officers listed below who will take office at the first scheduled executive meeting following the election. The Officers of the Committee shall be:
1. The Honorary Commodore who will be an Honorary Life Member appointed by the Committee.
2. The Immediate Past Chair.
3. The WIC Representatives who will be appointed by the Committee to act on behalf of the CWA, and who will have the powers specified in the WIC Constitution.
4. The Chair who shall preside at all meetings.
5. The Vice-Chair who shall:
(a)  chair meetings when necessary; and                                                                                                                       (b)  ensure that all Class Trophies are suitably engraved and available for presentation at the various events such as regattas and the AGM
6. The Secretary who shall:
(a) keep records of all meetings;
(b) handle correspondence;
(c) communicate committee decisions to members and such other persons and organizations as the Committee directs;  and
(d) giving at least 7 days notice, advise committee members in writing of the next meeting.                                            (e) conduct electronic ballots.
7. The Treasurer who shall:
(a) have charge of funds and make disbursements;
(b) record in proper books of accounts all assets, goods and monies received and expended;  and
(c) prepare and present a financial statement at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM").
8. The Chief Measurer who shall:
(a) assume responsibility for the measurement of boats;
(b) certify measurement forms and maintain a duplicate file
9. The Communications Officer who shall:
(a) be responsible for maintenance and update of CWA website
10. The Membership Secretary who shall:
(a) maintain the Membership and Class Register;
(b) collect annual subscriptions;
11. The Racing Secretary who shall:
(a) co-ordinate and promote Racing Events
12. The Cruising Secretary who shall:
(a) co-ordinate and promote Cruising Events.
13. The Fleet Co-ordinator who shall:
(a) co-ordinate the functions of Fleet Captains;
(b) promote Fleet Activities; and
(c) make recommendations on the formation and distribution of Fleets.
14. The Training Co-ordinator who shall:
(a) organize race training programs and seminars.
15. General  Committee Members who shall:
(a) render assistance to executive operations.
Members elected to the committee may fill more than one executive position.

(a) An AGM shall be held annually not earlier than the 1st of November and not later than the 31st of January.  The precise date, time and place will be announced by the Committee at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting.
(b) The Chair may call a special meeting at his discretion and must do so if there is a written request from at least ten full members.  At least 14 days' notice in writing (such notice can be via e-mail) shall be given to all members of any such meeting.  No meeting shall be called before 0900 hours or after 2000 hours.
(c) A quorum shall consist of 10 full members at any AGM or Special General Meeting.
(d) Any member proposing a resolution for consideration at the AGM shall submit it to the Secretary at least 2 weeks before the date of the meeting, and shall give full written particulars including the rationale for the resolution.  A rule amendment or new rule shall not be made the subject of a vote at any meeting unless it has been included on the agenda and full details circulated to members with notice of the meeting.
(e) The following shall be included in the AGM agenda:
1.  WIC business
2. The Association's accounts.
3. Election of officers
4. Any necessary votes.
(f) Any member is entitled to attend and speak at a General Meeting (subject to restrictions listed in paragraph 3).
(g) Only Honorary Life Members, and Full Members and Student Members are entitled to vote at a general meeting or in an electronic vote.
(h) At any meeting the vote decision shall be by majority show of hands and the Chair shall have the casting vote.  A poll shall be held if requested by at least 3 Full Members.
(i) Any question of procedure not covered herein shall be decided by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

(a) Proposals to amend the CWA Constitution shall be decided by either an electronic ballot in accordance with section 5(c) or by vote at a General Meeting.  The proposal to amend shall not be carried unless at least two thirds of the votes cast are in favour.  The Committee shall decide which method to use.
(b)(i) Proposals to amend the WIC Constitution and the International Class Rules shall be decided in accordance with the WIC Constitution.  The CWA representatives on the WIC shall vote in accordance with instruction from the CWA Committee.  The Committee shall determine what instructions to issue and shall decide in each case whether the importance of the proposed change requires consulting the membership of the Association.  If the Committee decides to consult, it may do so either by e-mail or at a General Meeting.
(b)(ii) Within 90 days of the final WIC decision, the Secretary of the CWA shall notify the members of any changes in the International Class Rules or WIC Constitution.

(a) The Association shall arrange for and control CWA class championships and shall issue to Clubs and Organizations recommendations for the conduct of such events.
(b) The following requirements shall apply to such championships:
1. They shall be open to any Wayfarer Dinghy with a valid measurement certificate;
2. The dinghy shall be entered and helmed by a member of any NCA recognized by the WIC; and
3. The scoring shall be carried out in accordance with the current World Sailing RRS scoring rules, and the winner shall be determined in accordance with those rules, subject to any specific provisions for those purposes contained in the sailing racing instructions and approved the CWA Committee.

Issued by the CWA March 21, 2016
