Ken Remembers: the stories and wisdom of Ken Jensen (W1348)
chapter 2: report from winter paradise


From: Uncle Al []
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 7:37 AM


Hi, Ken and La-iad:


I love the photos which allow me to enjoy myself almost as much as - and sometimes more than - being there (when a picture shows nasty weather sailing, for instance). I will post your letter to share with the Wayfarer world. Happy Valentine's Day and kisses to La-iad.


Love, Uncle Al W3854



-----Original Message-----
From: KEN-Krist. H. Jensen []
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 8:35 AM

OCT 2018 enter port, furling foresail, under shock-cord steering.

FEB 2019 from 3 hours out in RS Venture to the islands in the background
of second picture from there. Winds 14 knots leaving and 16-18 knots coming back in an open reach
and with breaking seas, causing Chief Officer to complain of heavy work rudder-handling!

At our bungalow on Phu Quoc Island.


Hi Al !


Congratulations and very well done -*Chaiooh*, Thai for Hurray - on your Storer Trophy!


You, dear Sir, not being local, must - despite the cold Vortex chasing you chilled behind down there from Toronto- have picked up fairly good familiarity with the lake. Naturally W3854 in good shape and fighting spirits along with her skipper and crew. Keep it up - wishing You best of luck at and on Lake Eustis, FL!


How indeed we would have loved to have sailed, to watch and cheer from the sidelines in the now coming event.

Before mid-MAR hopefully W1348 "Maitken" will mark her slip-streams from Dragoer like so many before since 1966.


Met a Danish Lady author/writer at Phu Quoc [largest island of Vietnam here in SE-part of Siam Gulf]. The Lady now 60 years, sporty, with three sons, the oldest a Major and appointed UN Liaison Officer from Denmark to Bagdad[during the Iraq-Iran war we had to fly in there at night from Saudi Arabia - IF the 'road+sky clear'!].


At age 38 this lady, Ms. Iselin C. Hermann, came with her first book "Prioritaire" which I got to hear via as a 'sound-book' with her own very voice!  It is about an interesting love affair, AND this lady really knows how to write! Very priviledged to have a few chats over five days there at Phu Qouc.


All the best with love ! Crew W1348 "Maitken"/L.&K.the older