the 2011 Rebel Nationals
awards - 1
(mostly) by Uncle Al

901  Paul Bryan, the Dean of the Regatta

Our Race Committee - l to r: Dennis & Meg Horton, Dan Murphy, PRO Rose Steele - hold the Irish flag presented to guess Dan. Do you suppose he's related to the famous legal Murphy?? as in Murphy's Law?

The RC is joined by the man who made sure it all came together as it should: Bill Selick. Many, many thanks, Bill.

The incoming NRCA Commodore, Bruce Nowak, spoke for all of us when he expressed his deep appreciation and gratitude
to our RC and to Bill Selick as a stand-in for the many, many volunteers who all did great jobs.

The Mary and Pease Herndon Bowl for 15th overall went to Jim Miller and Karyn Schuchardt, and of course ...

... young John Schuchardt who finished a strong runner-up as a very capable crew for his dad, was there
to immortalize his wicked? stepmother. Meanwhile, Erin Sanderson ...

... and her grandmother, Karen, look on in a very lovely manner.

Series 14th and the Herndon Family Bowl went to Bruce Nowak and Zoe Smith-Reese.

13th-place Jack Schuchardt had to make do with a bottle of wine when the Kessler Family Bowl could not be located.

Paul Bryan, 12th overall, accepts the Duane Slater Bowl
from outgoing NRCA Commodore, John Washburn, who in fact ...
... was next up as he and his wife, Judi, took series 11th which not only
earned the rights to the Chris Patton Bowl but also the ...
... Mowbray Award for best series placing by a husband/wife team.
Dave Nickels then got up and said some very charming words while ...
... Bill Selick prepared to create a pause in the awards march towards the winners
by presenting ribbons for Saturday's Portsmouth Race which was won ...

...on corrected time by Paul Bryan in his cruiser ahead of two Rebels ...

... Mary Vorel who just edged out ...

... Dan Leon for Rebel bragging rights.

Zoe Smith-Reese, with parents suitably relegated to the peanut gallery, deserves recognition for the fine job
she did in that windy Saturday race which was her first sailing race ever. Well done, Zoe!!

918 The host fleet took the ???? Trophy for the best aggregate by a fleet's top three boats???
(l to r) Jim Labate, Bill Selick, John and Jeff Schuchardt, Dan and Albert Leon.

Best attendance by a visiting fleet: Lake Fenton
(l to r) Jay and Pat Topping, Kevin Nickels, Ethan and Emilia Oslund, Dave Nickels
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