25th June 1960



 I have often used highly critical epithets to describe those of my kin who take on more jobs than they can efficiently handle, and now find myself in the embarrassing position of meriting those epithets myself.  I can only apologize to the membership of the Association and hope that it has not hurt the growth of the Clan.

 As you are probably aware, I am referring to the notable lack of newsletters emanating from this office.

 Apart from the newsletters, there has been a fair amount of action backstage.  Henry Croce has done a wonderful job of keeping the clan as well informed as possible in the Toronto area.  Besides which, you will notice from the increased list of owners that Croce & Lofthouse have done an excellent job of promoting the Clan.  I, meanwhile, have endeavoured to ensure that the Clan became recognized by the Canadian Yachting Association and other bodies concerned with the administration of sailing in Canada.

 In order to put out a newsletter of any interest, one must have material.  Apart from some very nice letters from Bill Hudson (W-144) and Alf Walsh (W-159), I have not heard from any owners.  It is the personal touch, which makes these newsletters successful.

 In closing, I would point out that there are still several owners who are not members of the Association.  Without your support, we cannot continue.  Attached to this newsletter will be an application for membership and for boat registration, and I hope those who have not already done so, will make use of it.

 I look forward with pleasure to meeting you at the Wayfarer Championships at Ashbridge’s Bay YC on July 16th, 17th.

  M.J. Lansdown.

 Henry Croce has kindly taken on the chore of arranging the Canadian and North American Wayfarer Championships.  You will already have received your notice and entry form and I urge you to return the latter as soon as possible.  Henry has put a great deal of work into the arrangement of what purports to be a very successful first Championship.  We estimate that 25 boats will be racing.

 We have decided that best time to hold the Annual Meeting of the Association would be at the Annual Championships because this the best opportunity of getting all the owners together.
 Therefore, the first Annual Meeting will be held immediately following the supper on Saturday, July 16th at Ashbridge’s Bay YC.  At this time, a new executive will be elected.

 We in Brockville have used them with great success and I think others will agree that they help considerably in a broad reach.  Croce & Lofthouse advise that these are now available in horizontal or vertical stripes as well as in the solid colours of white, green, blue, red and yellow.  The price is $75.00, which includes 140 sq. ft. of nylon sail, spinnaker pole, mast fittings, halliard, blocks and sheets of Terylene.  As you are probably aware, spinnakers are approved racing rig for Wayfarers.

 On the week-end of May 21st-22nd, six Wayfarers fought it out in the chilly waters of the St. Lawrence.  Although top honours for the series went to Keith Middleton (W-108), Henry Croce was so close that the final result was only decided in the last race.  Other out-of-town entries who enjoyed the good winds and excellent weather were Dr. Paine (W-112) and Mr. .......??? from N.Y. state who claims so far to be the only American owner. (Anyone know of any others?)

 Provision was made at this regatta for Wayfarers.  Nobody from Brockville was able to go because of maintenance problems and I have not had any recent news from Toronto.

 The following regattas are “open” regattas and hence will include our Wayfarers.  Thanks are due to Bill Hudson for the dates in the Toronto Area.  I would also mention that Bill has done a stirling job in representing our interests to the L.S.S.A.

July 16-17 Wayfarer Championships, Ashbridge’s Bay YC
July 23-24 Boulevard Y.C.
July 30-Aug. 1 Wayfarer Cruise Race, Brockville Y.C.
August 6-7 Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club and Brockville Y.C.
August 20-21 Baie d’Urfe Y.C., Montreal
August 27 C.N.E.
Sept. 3, 5, 10 3 days racing, C.N.E.
September 3-4 Hudson Y.C., Montreal
September 17 Queen City Y.C.

This is held annually by the Brockville YC on the August 1st long week-end and consists of three days of racing on a cruise through the Thousand Islands section of the St. Lawrence.  Boats have to carry their own food and camping equipment, and each night is spent on a separate island.  There is the Wayfarer Cruise Race Trophy, presented by Croce & Lofthouse, and additionally, all boats compete on a handicap basis, for B.Y.C.’s Wandermeer Trophy.

 You will notice that red racing flags are required for those competing for the N.A. Championship on July 16th.  In case you do not have a racing flag, Croce & Lofthouse advise that they have some.  The cost is $3.95, inclusive of all fittings.

 There are now 3 owners in this Yacht Club and one in the Royal St. Lawrence Y.C. so it is hoped that competition in the Valley will soon become keen.

 Some owners expressed concern about “checking” of their varnished decks.  This was taken up with the manufacturer by Croce & Lofthouse.  Small Craft reported that had investigated the materials and could find no deficiencies, and that normal re-varnishing techniques resulted in a perfect finish.
 All varnish work will weather during the course of the season and I find that a light sanding and a coat of varnish mid-season prevents any “checking” tendency.