September 1961


SEPT. 3RD & 4TH, 1961: ISLAND Y.C.

 Success was the aim and successful it was, with 19 competing and almost ideal conditions for a championship.  The skills of each skipper and crew were certainly put to the test.  Winds were by no means predictable, varying from very light during the 1st race, to 20-30 knots in the 2nd, and tapering off slightly for the 3rd.  Monday’s racing saw light winds once again, shifting at times, and generally patchy.

 Terry Gregg, Jerry Conway and Mike Lansdown each had a win on Sunday.  Monday’s 1st race saw a rapid change in point scores when Conway placed 1st and Gregg finished in 18th place.  Terry, however, established a commanding lead in the final race and romped in to win the championships.

1st Race 2nd Race 3rd Race  4th Race 5th Race
1 Gregg 1 Conway 1 Lansdown 1 Conway 1 Gregg
2 Blanchard 2 Gregg 2 Gregg 2 Paine 2 Rumble
3 Paine 3 Cavill 3 Cavill 3 Rumble 3 Middleton

 A special award (Uncle Al's note: the origin of the Lansdown-O'Brien Spittoon) this year will go to Alec Lowenthal who, due to circumstances beyond his control, went swimming during Sunday’s 3rd race.  Apparently Alec was standing on the foredeck, attempting to free a snagged spinnaker, when his crew decided they were getting close to the buoy and it was therefore time to gybe.  Alec managed to grab the rudder of his Wayfarer as it sped by.

 We were pleased to welcome the out of town competitors (who by no means took a back seat) and in capturing 3rd, 5th, 6th and 9th places, they showed most of the local sailors the way around the course.  Next year, we hope to welcome competitors from the U.S.A. as well.

 The Island YC left no stone unturned to ensure the complete success of the event.  We are most grateful to Commodore Jacobs, Gloria Shulman and all those of the IYC who took part in organizing and officiating the series, as well as providing us with complete club facilities and an excellent presentation dinner.

1 282 Terry Gregg  RCYC 72 1/2
285 Jerry Conway  IYC 62 1/2
3 112 Don Paine  NBYC 59
4 145 Ian Black  IYC  57
5 110 Keith Middleton  BYC  56
5 141 Don Rumble  NBYC 56
7 276 Wally Cavill  QCYC 53
8 277 Bill Hunter  QCYC 49
9 108 Mike Lansdown  BYC 47 1/4
10 151 Alec Lowenthal  QCYC 46
10 283 George Blanchard TSCC 46
12 144 Gord Hilliam  TS&CC 45
13 278 Bon Jasperson  TS&CC 43
14 440 Bob Thompson  QCYC 42
15 442 E. Braund  TS&CC 31
16 116 Hugh Magill  TS&CC 22
17 398 Dennis Wilson  QCYC 21
18 135 Gloria Shulman  IYC 17
19   95 Cliff Turner    --   3


 The AGM of owners was held during Sunday evening, to elect new officers, deal with important items of Association business and plan next year’s Championships.  Both Terry Gregg and Bill Hudson have stepped down after a successful year in office, and your new Committee is as follows:

CHAIRMAN: Alec Lowenthal
SECRETARY: Wally Cavill
TREASURER: Doug Thomas
    This year has been an active one for Wayfarer owners.  Our numbers are all the while increasing, and several clubs, both local and throughout the province, can boast of having a Wayfarer Fleet.  Next year, we will be at it once again with larger fleets and strong competition.

 Our congratulations are extended to all owners for having made this year such a success.

    Wally Cavill
       Hon. Secretary.
This bulletin was produced on Univac and printed at the rate of 600 lines per minute.  Hence the stop press appearance. 
(ed note: the original was all in capital letters and printed on computer paper)