(Fall 1961 up-date from C & L)

Distributors & Importers of Quality Sail Craft

CROCE & LOFTHOUSE SAILCRAFT LIMITED, 4226 Kingston Road, West Hill (Toronto), Ontario, Canada are the Importers and have been responsible for the development of the Class on the North American Continent.....

The CWOA was first formed at the latter end of 1959, the first officers being....

The Wayfarer Owners Association of the United States was formed in September 1961, the first officers being: -

Chairman Mr. Chester O’Hara
Treasurer Mr. Donald Dodson
Secretary Mrs. Claire Dodson

There are currently ten fleets actively operating in Canada and the United States, with eighty-two boats on the continent.

The first Championships were held in July 1960 at the Ashbridge’s Bay YC, Toronto...  The winner of the 1960 Championships was: - 
 Barclay Livingston, Island YC, Toronto.

The winner of the 1961 Championships was: -
 Mr. Terry Gregg, Royal Canadian YC, Toronto

SALES: Boats can be ordered direct from the Importers, C & L....

Canadian Dealer for the Sault Ste. Marie area: - LANGSTAFF - MCKAY Marine, Desbarats, Ontario, Canada.

U. S. Dealer for the Chicago area: - SAILCRAFT OF CHICAGO, 2710 W. Cortland Street, Chicago 47, Ill., U.S.A.

COST: The cost of the boat and two Kit forms available are as follows:

Constructor’s HULL Kit  $950.00*
Sub-assembled HULL Kit $1,156.00*
Completed Boat $1,478.00*
* f.o.b. Toronto/New York & other Atlantic ports.
ADD 3% other Great Lakes & West Coast Ports
All of the above prices are inclusive of sails (Mainsail with Class numbers & Insignia, Genoa).  Kits are complete in EVERY detail to build and finish the boat ‘Ready to Sail’.