August 1962 issue

Official publication of the 
“Canadian Wayfarer Owners’ Association”.

The Wayfarer Class, 16’ Sailing Dinghy,
registered as a class with the
“Canadian Yachting Assoc.”

C.W.O.A. Board
Mr. Alec Lowenthal, 
36 Castlefrank Rd., 
Toronto #5, Ont.
Mr. Wally Cavill,
14 Oneida Ave.,
Toronto 2, Ont.
Mr. Doug Thomas, 
97 Larkfield Drive, 
Don Mills, Ont.
Mr. Arthur Earl,
10 Nottawa Ave.,
Toronto 2, Ont.

 A program outlining the events during the three days is attached; further copies will be available upon race registration.  This is MUST event for all Wayfarer sailors, and we can assure you of a most enjoyable weekend.  Present guestimates set the entries at 35.
 Prior notice of your entry is not required.  Just show up at the Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club on Saturday morning, September 1st and register your boat with the Class Secretary who will be on hand from 9.00 a.m. onwards.
 As stated in a recent bulletin, your boat need not be measured.  But should you win or place, then the Class Measurer will have to check your boat before any awards can be made.

Boulevard Club Open Regatta, Toronto - July 21st:
1st  Arthur Earl W285 QCYC
2nd Leo Maarse W627 QCYC
3rd George Blanchard W283 TSCC
Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club Open Regatta - July 28th:
1st  Leo Maarse W627 QCYC
2nd George Blanchard W283 TSCC
3rd Bill Hunter W277 QCYC
North Bay Wayfarer Weekend - July 28th, 29th:
1st Wally Cavill W276 QCYC
2nd Arthur Earl W285 QCYC
3rd Don Rumble W634 NBYC
4th Don Paine W112 NBYC
4th Paul Grose W417 New Liskeard
6th Ken Valin W159 NBYC
7th Ian McKellar W616 NBYC
8th Ralph Jamieson W621 Huron Shores YC
9th Don Milne W600 NBYC
10th Alec Lowenthal W151 QCYC
11th Wes McNutt W601 NBYC
12th Jim Jamieson W141 NBYC
13th Herb Bowers W111 NBYC

 Our thanks to the North Bay YC for a wonderful weekend of sailing.  They managed to rustle up some pretty good wind, particularly for the second race.  Don Paine turned turtle shortly after leaving Wes McNutt’s beach (he probably overate and was lulled into a state of false security).  However, he managed to right 112 and continued on to make the start.
 Among other notables who dumped, was Wes McNutt (shortly before the start) who towed into the nearest beach, bailed out, and made it back for a late start.  Alec Lowenthal also went over, but his was a most remarkable effort.  He was the only one flying a spinnaker on the downwind leg (gusting to 36 knots) planing all the way.  Shortly before reaching the buoy he was overpowered ... flip.
 During the first and third races there were light and variable winds, the lead positions changing hands many times.
 All the visiting skippers agreed that Trout Lake was a wonderful place to sail.

Wayfarer Cruise Race & Wandermeer Cup, Brockville, Sept. 4-6:
 Wayfarer Cruise: 
1st: Mike Lansdown W108 KYC
2nd: Arthur Earl
Alec Lowenthal
 Wandermeer Cup: G.P. 14 on corrected time

There were some six Wayfarers in this three-day camping-racing event, and we all enjoyed the usual Wandermeer highlights: mosquitoes, parties and poison ivy.  The only thing lacking was wind and all the races were drifters, with the St. Lawrence current sometimes getting the better of us.

Wayfarer Canadian Championship, Brockville YC, Aug. 11-12
1st Wally Cavill W276 57 pts. Queen City CYC
2nd Mike Lansdown W108 51 Kingston YC
3rd Keith Middleton  W110 44 Montreal
4th Leo Maarse W627 43¼ QCYC
5th Don Rumble W634 43 North Bay YC
6th Alec Lowenthal  W151 42 QCYC
7th Arthur Earl W285 37 QCYC
8th George Blanchard W283 35 Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club
9th Don Paine W112 29 NBYC
10th Dick Roffel W460 26 Brockville YC
11th Tom Spaulding W614 23 Britannia YC
12th Herb Sheridan W109 13 BrockvilleYC
13th John Cleave W278 12 Royal Canadian YC
14th Fred Gilbert W279   8 Brockville YC

Winds were light and variable during the five race series.  Competition was keen and the new big spinnakers were put to good use.  The St. Lawrence current was tricky to handle but the fleet soon learned the best places to go.
The Brockville YC is to be congratulated on the way they organized and ran the series.  We all enjoyed a thoroughly good time.

Put-in-Bay Regatta, ILYA - Aug. 13-15:
 The Wayfarers, we believe, made a great impression upon the sailors in this area of the USA.  This was the first visit by the Wayfarer Class to Put-in-Bay.
1st: Henry Croce W602 QCYC
2nd George Blanchard W283 TS&CC
3rd Pete Altendorf  W498 Chicago
C.N.E. Open Regatta, Toronto - Aug. 18th:
1st Wally Cavill W276 QCYC
2nd Arthur Earl W285 QCYC
3rd Terry Gregg W282 RCYC

Club Racing:
 Wayfarer fleets have continued to race regularly at their respective clubs.  We don’t have the space this time to give you detailed results, but we have noted that the nip and tuck battle is still going on between Don Rumble and Don Paine in North Bay.
 George Blanchard has done very well at the TS&CC, falling only a point or two short of beating all other classes in the club.  The Queen City boys are still battling it out.  IYC owners have been visiting the Queen City races each week.  (Note: we say owners, the fleet at IYC is starting to grow.)

 Nominations are being received for 1963 Officers.  Jim Clelland of the TS&CC has been nominated for Secretary and George Blanchard also of the TS&CC has been nominated for Treasurer.

W109, complete with small spinnaker.
contact: Mr Herb Sheridan, 175 King St. W., Brockville, Ont.  DI 2 5643

W606.  contact: Mr Basil Jackson, 134 Combe Ave., Downsview, Ont.  ME 3 2726


* The Managing Editor of “One Design Yachtsman”, Mr Johnny Wilson, will be covering the North American Championships.  The CWOA is arranging to provide a picture boat for his use, and the use of the press.

* Arthur Earl applied a touch-up coat of varnish to the decking of his Wayfarer the other day, and it rained shortly afterwards.  Arthur is a very sombre fellow these days.

* We’re wondering what stunning feats Alec Lowenthal has in store when next it blows up heavy.

* The IYC Wayfarer Fleet is growing.  Don’t blame them really.  There are none better than Wayfarers.

* Henry Croce and Ken Lofthouse are providing miniatures of the Canadian and North American Trophies.  These will be presented to the winning skippers to keep.

* Several Wayfarers have been damaged during trailing.  Too much pressure on the bilge keels has resulted in the floors breaking away from the chines, or the chines splitting in the vicinity of floors 7/11 (located below the hinged seat support).  Sometimes, the weight of one person, when the boat is on the trailer is enough to break the floor away from the chine... so be careful.

* Many people have asked why Wayfarers have to be measured and buoyancy tested.  Mike Lansdown of Kingston has made some appropriate remarks for the record: “The measuring safeguards the boat owner from other people building illegal boats, and the buoyancy test safeguards the boat owner himself.”

 Your Secretary will be standing down at the next Assoc. elections (writer’s cramp).  But it’s been a pleasure.  Good sailing, all!
  Wally Cavill, Secretary.

STOP PRESS:  Terry Gregg (282) is now the proud Father of a 7 lb. 4½ oz. baby boy.  Congrats, Terry!