APRIL 1964 Official publication of the
The Wayfarer Class, 16’ Sailing Dinghy,
This is a time of joy and expectation, when the weather starts to break (but ever so slowly), and the first day that our boats are in the water is not too far away. As this newsletter is written on April 11, the first Wayfarer was seen today, sailing on Lake Ontario. We shouldn’t wish this time away because fitting out is part of the fun, and every change that you are going to make requires careful consideration and planning, as well as feeling out your club member competitors about it. However, new sheets, maybe a new fitting, a spinnaker pole, all this is important. In this issue, we have several tips for you on fitting out your boat. Our Immediate Past Chairman, and North American Champion, Alec Lowenthal, has given some valuable advice which should be well heeded. Also, our Chairman, Jim Clelland, has touched on a very worthwhile subject, the Canadian Yachting Association. After you have sailed for a little while, and have attended a few regattas, and you start reading some of the sailing publications, you will slowly become indoctrinated, not just with the beauty of your boat, but with the sport as a whole. And a sport it is, not a rich man’s way of going “yachting”, as many uninformed landlubbers like to think. Your dedication for this sport should also bring forth a sense of responsibility. This is to make this sport available to as many people as possible, especially youngsters. We are discussing two subjects in this issue. One is the CYA. And here are Jim Clelland’s words: The Chairman of the C.W.O.A. has a very soft job so the secretary decided to employ him as a hack for the newsletter. It is difficult to know just what topic to write about in sailing because there is such a lot one could say. But one topic of interest to everybody comes readily to mind – the Canadian Yachting Association. You have probably noticed the C.W.O.A. is a member of the CYA, and if you check with your yacht club Secretary, you’ll almost certainly find that your club is a member. These few words and the attached application form are designed to get you to join as an individual member of the only organization in Canada which exists solely to promote sailing. The CYA is your type of organization – no dead wood there – everyone connected with it is an active sailor. So come out and lend your support. Your $5.00 is used to promote small boat sailing, junior sailing activities and Olympic sailing. The CYA is the voice of all sailors in Canada and represents us at the meetings of the International Yacht Racing Union. In addition to being associated with these activities, you will receive a yearbook containing the Racing Rules as amended for Canada, so throw away your outdated copies of the N.A.Y.R.U. (North American Yacht Racing Union) Racing Rules, shell out $5.00 and BUY Canadian. Also, as a member of the CYA, you may buy a very nice tie with the CYA emblem woven into it. We have included a form. If you feel you should become a member, fill it in. The other subject is the Toronto Brigantine “Pathfinder”. For those members of our Association that don’t sail on Lake Ontario, the “Pathfinder” is a 60-foot brigantine (formerly hermaphrodite rig, a sailing vessel that has a fully rigged foremast and a fore and aft rigged main mast), that is financed entirely from funds raised by private citizens and is used for training of youths. The Toronto Brigantine Inc. is a legally constituted corporation and recognized by the government as a tax-deductible charitable organization. It has been founded to provide funds for the building and maintenance of a sail training vessel, the “Pathfinder”, similar to the “St. Lawrence II” presently operated in Kingston, Ontario by Brigantine Inc. This boat will cost $120,000 to build, and $3,500 a year to be operated. The CWOA has come up with an idea to help to a certain extent, however small a contribution it may be. We will hold one race (first CNE
regatta) and sail for a Brigantine Trophy. We haven’t at this time
found a donor for this trophy, but we are sure we will. Every boat
participating will pay a voluntary entrance fee of $3.00. This will
only be a small token, but we hope that we can get other classes to do
the same thing, and have an event on that day where all classes, including
the two Brigantines, race around the course for the Brigantine Trophy.
With a turnout of approximately 250 boats, this would raise a considerable
amount of money every year. However, it is unfortunate that a large
number of our Wayfarer sailors are spread out over the country. However,
if you like this idea, have your own Brigantine Trophy and race for it.
We can have interesting reports in the newsletter. Of course, if
anyone would like to contribute even if he cannot sail on that day, this
will be gladly accepted. There is a nice booklet available about
the Pathfinder, if you write to: Toronto Brigantine Inc., Medical
Arts Building, Suite 419, 170 St. George Street, Toronto 5, Ontario.
Several pieces of hardware need to be looked at critically in Wayfarers. The pintles on the rudder and the transom may become fatigued and break on you, particularly when of bronze. Have a good look for haircracks and signs of wear. This also applies to the rudder and mast pivot bolts, which in any case, I recommend by the equivalent in stainless steel (Alloy Metal Sales, 215 Lakeshore Blvd E., Toronto). The brass screw that holds the swivel plate at the end of the boom is also vulnerable and should be replaced. Examine the shroud plates and bow plate, but pay particular attention to the hounds band on the mast; if the copper rivet is showing signs of wear, replace it with a stainless steel bolt. It could save a mast. The running rigging needs even closer inspection. Jib and main sheets will not last more than a season and a half when made of cotton braid. If you do not want to find yourself in mid-season holding a loose end, replace them now. If you prefer synthetics, Samson Braid is easy to splice; use 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch and you will not need to worry for several years. (Tom Taylor, 81 Front St. E., Toronto). Replacing the Halliards is a must – You will probably find that the cable is as good as new, in which case you can get away with splicing a new piece of synthetic or hemp line onto the cable, but remember to attach a strong piece of line to the end of the halliard at the same time that you withdraw it, otherwise you will find, to your loss, how time consuming it is threading it back through. Croce & Lofthouse carry a supply of spares that come complete with shackles. The shock cord that keeps the rudder blade down, usually lasts quite well, but beware of that hidden piece of line that connects it through the rudder cheeks to the blade – don’t think twice – replace it with dacron line if you want to save yourself embarrassing moments. Lastly, watch out for two things connected with the centreboard; the rubber brake may need tightening, or even replacing after several seasons, and the centreboard pivot bolt should have adequate rubber washers and be tightened up on both sides; failure to carry out this last tip could result in a rising water level within the boat, with disastrous consequences! Good sailing! Alec
Thank you for the many prompt membership
dues we have received up to this day.
Next Newsletter in May, and any contributions please mail in early. |