April 1966



The Wayfarer Class, 16’ Sailing Dinghy,
Registered as a Class with the Canadian
Yachting Association


Hon. Commodore: Don Rumble
Chairman: George Blanchard
Secretary: John Woolsey
Treasurer: Laurie Oxenham
Chief Measurer: Harry Jones
Publicity:  Tom Johannsen
Editor: Al Schoenborn - 605 Huron St., Toronto 5
Assistant Editor:  Ric Lye
A Quickie
It's spring again and time to work on the boats. However, various minor considerations have necessitated a quick newsletter - so, here it is -

Our treasurer, Dr. Laurie Oxenham reminds all owners that the yearly membersship fees of three (3) dollars are now due. The association keeps running by means of this support from you, and it would be appreciated if you would send in your $3 promptly to:  Dr. L. Oxenham, 360 Jane Ave., Oshawa, Ont.

Still another item from Dr O. All Wayfarers should be registered!! This registration takes place once at a cost of $5 to the owner and remains in effect for the duration of owmership. Only a few registrations remain unpaid, and Laurie would like get his records completed. So take note, all those concerned!!!!

The Yearbook
Work is progressing towards our first yearbook.  We have heard from everyone except -

 Please rush in any additional material so that we may have as complete a year book as possible.
John Wood (W 606) sent a very nice letter to the newslette, asking about publication of complete North American Wayfarer Championship results for 1965. These will appear in the Year Book, John.

Schedule Of Events For 1966
This appears on page 2 of this newsletter, and will appear more forma1ly in the Year Book. (Al's note: right here, actually)

Wayfarer Class Racing Events 1966                                     May 12, 1966

April 24 Get acquainted races, Kent Lake, Kensington Park, Michigan
May 1 U.S.A. Fleet #2, Race 1, Stoney Creek, Michigan
May 14-15 Brockville YC Frost Bite Regatta, Ontario
May 28,29,30 Burnham Park YC, Chicago Invitational, Illinois
June 5 Civic Center Race, St. Clair River, Detroit, Michigan
June 11,12 Conestgoa SC Lake Regatta, Kitchener, Ontario
June 18 National YC Open Regatta, Toronto
June 19 U.S.A. Fleet #2, Race 2, Stoney Creek, Michigan
June 25 Royal Canadian YC Open Regatta, Toronto
June 25,26 U.S.A. Fleet #2, Race 3, Stoney Creek, Michigan
July 1,2,3 Lake Skiff Sailing Association Regatta at T.S.&C.C., Toronto
July 1,2,3 Canadian Wayfarer Championships, Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club, Toronto
July 1,2,3 St. Lawrence Valley Yacht Racing Assoc'n Regatta, Montreal
July 2 Royal Hamilton YC Open Regatta, Hamilton
July 9 Island YC Open Regatta, Toronto
July 9,10 North East YC Regatta, Cleveland, Ohio
July 16 Boulevard Club Open Regatta, Toronto
July 16,17 Britannia YC Open Regatta, Ottawa
July 23 Yacht Club of Port Credit Open Regatta, Port Credit, Ontario
July 24 U.S.A. Fleet #2, Race 4, Stoney Creek, Michigan
July 30 Wayfarer Cruise Race, Trout Lake, North Bay, Ontario
July 31 & Aug. 1 Hill Crawford Memorial Series, Trout Lake Sailing Fleet, North Bay, Ontario
July 31 U.S.A. Fleet #2, Race 5, Stoney Creek, Michigan
Aug. 6 Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club Open Regatta
Aug. 13 Bronte (Harbour) YC Open Regatta, Lake Ontario
Aug. 13,14 U.S.A. Wayfarer Sailing Championships, Stoney Creek, Michigan
Aug. 20 CNE Open Regatta, Toronto
Aug. 21 Wayfarer Round the Island Race at QCYC, Toronto
Aug. 27 CNE Open Regatta, Toronto
Sept. 3 CNE Open Regatta, Toronto
Sept. 3,4,5 North American Wayfarer Championship, South Port SC, Windsor
Sept. 10 Ashbridges (Bay) YC Open Regatta, Toronto
Sept. 11 U.S.A. Fleet #2, Race 6, Stoney Creek, Michigan
Sept. 17 Queen City YC Open Regatta, Toronto
Sept. 24 Oshawa YC Open Regatta, Lake Ontario
Sept. 24,25 Michigan Invitational Regatta, Lake Orion, Michigan
Oct. 8,9 Lake Margrethe Invitational, Grayling, Michigan
Nov. 6 Frostbite Races, Kent Lake, Kensington Park, Michigan
The Revised Rules
On page three of this NEWSLETTER, there appears a ballot in which all members of the C.W.O.A. are asked to cast their vote on an IMPORTANT matter to the retention of strict one design uniformity among Wayfarers. Whereas the point of running jib sheets inside shroud wires may appear insignificant, it can, and in some cases has, led to a number of expensive and complicated alterations to the original design of the boat until we are becoming a 16' Lightning.
Think wel1 before you vote. Send your ballot in as soon as possible, preferably today.

(the above scan is meant to give the flavour of the only Wayfarer newsletter that Uncle Al ever ran off on a ditto machine - hence the purple shade!)


Dear Members:-

The 1966 Canadian Wayfarers Championships will be held in Toronto in conjunction with the Lake Sailing Skiff Association Annual Regatta.

The Host Club will be the Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club, 1391 Lakeshore Blvd. W., Toronto 3, located at Sunnyside Beach, near the Canadian National Exhibition's West Entrance.

Registration by Mrs. Marjorie Oxenham - Thursday Evening June 30 and Friday Morning July 1st.

Entry Fee  LSSA $5.00 per person includes Dance, Party & Banquet. Entry Fee Wayfarer $2.00 per boat.

IMPORTANT:- All participants must pay the LSSA & Wayfarer Entry fees. All Wayfarer Owners must be paid up members of the Canadian Wayfarer Owners' Association and have boats registered with the CWOA.

Race program and instructions will be issued when competitors register.
Race Program 1st. race Friday July 1 10.30 a.m.
2nd. race Friday July 1   2.00 p.m.
3rd. race Sat. July 2  10.30 a.m.
4th. race Sat. July 2   2.00 p.m.
5th. race Sunday July 3 11.30 a.m.

Social Program - Dance Friday evening July 1st. 
Party Sat. evening July 2nd.
Banquet and presentation Sunday July 3rd., 5 p.m.

Facilities - Three ramps for launching boats off trailers. Free Parking lot east of Club.

Food  - Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club have full catering facilities to provide, at a moderate cost, lunches and dinners.

Accommodation: - Out of town competitors are requested to make own arrangements for accommodations at the following Motel which is located 1 mile West of the Club. North American Motel, 2147 Lakeshore Blvd.W., Toronto 14.  Phone (Zone 416) 255-1127.
      Prices:- $12.00 Double accommodation.
                   $16.00 Four to Room.
Mail your reservation early with deposit.

Additional Protest Requirements
Revised regulations requires that all skippers must have on board a 12" square White or Red flag or cloth which must be displayed attached to shroud wire if possible facing the Race Committee when crossing the finish line.

Note: Skippers arriving Friday morning must be at the Club before 8.30 a.m. in order to be rigged and launched in time for 1st race.



Toronto Wayfarer Fleet or any out of town skippers who participate in the 1966 Metro Yacht Racing Council, Lake Ontario Yacht Club Annual Regattas, must be identified as class A & B groups as follows, in order to participate in National Yacht Club Regatta, June 18.

4" square ribbon must be attached to Luff of Mainsail below the lower sail batton pocket.

Class A skippers attach a yellow ribbon. Class B skippers attach a red ribbon.

Following are class "A" skippers authorized to attach yellow ribbon, balance of skippers not listed must attach a Red ribbon. 
Pete Bassin W421 CSC
George Blanchard W283 TSCC
Jim Clelland W618 RCYC
Laurie Oxenham W282 TSCC
Harry Jones W720 TSCC
Al. Schoenborn W116 TSCC
Mike Schoenborn W276 QCYC
Al Quantock W635 QCYC

NOTE: Season Fee of $7.00 to race in Metro Toronto Regattas must be paid to MYRC.
Attached herewith is a copy of the 1966 Racing Schedule.
Our Committee will be on hand at the TSCC Club to meet competitors arriving Thursday Evening.
Let's all turn out to make this the largest Wayfarer Fleet ever to participate in a L.S.S.A. Annual Dinghy Regatta.
