the 2008 AGM Minutes & Report
by CWA Secretary, Fred Black

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the CANADIAN WAYFARER ASSOCIATION held at the TS&CC on 19 January 2008.

Chairman George Blanchard called the 17 assembled sailors to order at 1830 and drew their attention to his message, included with the meeting's preprints.  Also in that data pack were Fred Black's minutes of the 2007 meeting, which were adopted following a motion by Bill Fyfe / Kit Wallace.

Treasurer Mike Codd drew our attention to his Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet in the handout.  He was not overly concerned about our total equity having fallen from just over six thousand to just under four thousand dollars in the year, because there had been some carry-over bills and other one-time expenses, but should this trend continue we will need to look at a membership fee increase.  His motion to adopt the report was seconded by Bill and carried.

An updated list of our Executive and Fleet Captains had been distributed. George had been in touch with everyone to confirm their willingness to serve.  Special mention was made of our keen new West Coast rep., Nick Parker.  Mike / Bill moved the adoption of this slate and that was approved.

Kit distributed copies of the Yearbook / DVD that Al Schonborn had assembled.  Other discs will be sent by mail to the rest of the 120 members Kit has on our 2007 members' roster.

Al provided a written report on the UK situation, from the new Hartley Wayfarers  disqualification, through to the UKWA's proposed resolution of the problem.   Roger Proctor has made a great contribution toward brokering the deal.  Al moved  that we put the CWA on record as supporting this resolution.  Mike seconded and all agreed.

Under new business, the meeting heard invitations to specific events on our 2008 calendar from representatives of the Conestoga, Lac Deschênes, and Mississauga sailing clubs.

We adjourned to the bar / dining room / awards ceremony upon a motion by Al at 1915.