the 2008 AGM in pictures
mostly taken by Julia Schonborn

Kit Wallace (l) and Fred Black enjoy the snowy ambiance of the Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club on Lake Ontario.

Having lots of stuff - Yearbooks, computer, trophies - to unload,
Uncle Al gets his usual special parking spot right outside the front door..

The meeting is underway.

CWA Chairman, George Blanchard 

An hour or so later, the meeting ends - and the frivolity can start.

Tom Wharton (l) and Heider Funck arrive.

Mudl Gottschling

Heider and Mudl, pals from away back!

All the way from Ottawa: Robin Allardyce

Jonathan (l)  and Christopher Blythe (W815)

Guest of Honour, Trudy Davis, with her twin sons

A suitable back-drop for chatting was the first of two Uncle Al slide shows
which chronicled the racing events of our W year 2008.