the 2010
Minutes & Report by CWA Secretary, Fred Black |
Minutes of the Annual
held at TS&CC
on 16 Jan 2010. Chairman, George
welcomed some 20 members of the association to our
business meeting,
and distributed an agenda with supporting documentation.
This included his own
year-end message,
and a slate of Executives,
Fleet Captains, and Measurers that he had
canvassed by
phone and found willing to serve in 2010. Also included
were the Minutes of last
year’s AGM, which were
adopted pursuant to a motion by Mike Codd, seconded by
John deBoer.
Treasurer, Mike Codd, distributed a financial statement that showed that, due to additional members and no calendars to pay for, we were up $727 on the year, and are now worth $4848. His submission was seconded by John deB. and adopted. At this juncture George moved, seconded by Kit Wallace, that Mike be confirmed as our new chairman--carried--and that he assume his new role immediately. Chairman Mike requested a membership update, and Kit reported 101 members in 2009. This year’s memberships are being collected now, at a rate clarified under New Business (below). Members’ Yearbook DVDs were made available following our meeting. ![]() Starring on this year's DVD "cover" are (l to r) Sue Pilling/Steph Romaniuk W397, Mark and Paul Taylor W7673, Al Schonborn/Nick Seraphinoff W3854, Alastair and Andrew Ryder-T urner W10137 battling at the MSC Regatta. Alastair Ryder-Turner reported on the proposal to import new boats from the UK. Hartley Laminates is prepared to build us a container-load of six Mk. IVs in racing, cruising, or training configurations with a 15% deposit, and Fogh Marine offers their customs brokerage and boat yard to receive our shipment. The price, fob Toronto, will be in the $12-13,000 range. Log on to our web site for the final numbers, and to place an order (conditional upon a minimum of six). Al Schonborn introduced some rule changes proposed by the Scandinavian Wayfarers who have proposed that 11 references to “the official drawings” in our rules be replaced by terms that a measurer can apply, since there are no official drawings in these instances. Seconded by Bob Brown and carried. A second motion proposed revising the various Mk-specific lengths overall in Rule 8.2 with a single dimension (with tolerances) applicable to all Marks. Bob seconded. Carried. Finally the Danes had recognized the logic in allowing existing rub rails to be widened to match those of the Mk IV, but an applicable rule change is still under study and will be tried out as a dispensation given to SWS members for 2010. Boat Show feed back has
positive. Thanks to Alastair for once again furnishing
his boat, and to
those who assisted in the set-up and manning of our
New Business: Leo Van Kampen of the Connestoga Sailing Club welcomed the decision to hold our 2010 Nationals there in June, and personally invited all present to attend. Kit asked that the membership fee increase to $35 approved last year for 2010 be rolled back to $30. With reference to his healthy financial statement, Mike so moved. John deB seconded and the meeting agreed. Adjournment, until this time next year. AWARDS were made following the banquet: Bronze Spirit Certificates (for 20+ Wayfarer events attended) were presented to Dick Harrington, Tony Krauss, and John Weakley. The Red
Award for exemplary class spirit went to Rob Wierdsma and his son,
Daniel (W
7372) of the Mississauga SC. It is to be hoped that
others will follow
the Wierdsmas' example of enthusiastic participation in
frequent events
in the coming year
The Storer Trophy for top aggregate results from the two Nationals, the North Americans and the Ontarios: Al Schonborn, supported by Detroit's Nick Seraphinoff in the US and Canadian Nationals plus a clean sweep of the North Americans, while Al's wife Julia performed nobly in a W3854 victory at the Ontarios in Ottawa. ![]() The Queen
Tray for most improved team of 2009 was again
won by a Conestoga
crew: Leo and Joanne
Van Kampen.
Last year's winner was Al Nichols of the CSC.
The Raudaschl Rookie for 2009 was Scott Ramsay, yet another Conestoga Wayfarer. The Don
Memorial Trophy (exceptional, long-time service
to the class
over the years) will be awarded (at the Midwinters) to
the USWA's Jim and
Linda Heffernan who are
breathing new life into the USWA, much to everyone's
delight. Jim is
the USWA Commodore while Linda is editor of the fine
USWA newsletter, The
Skimmer. The Heffernans held
these same USWA posts in the late 1970s.
The Ted Davis Memorial Trophy (best cruise log of the year) goes to tri-athlete, Ted Rosen for his lovely log of a summer-time North Channel cruise with Scott Eckert. The Lansdown-O'Brien Spittoon for unique feats of seamanship commemorated Nick Seraphinoff’s sideways spinnaker hoist at a crucial moment in the US Nationals held at the Lake Eustis SC in February 2009. |