the 2011 Annual General Meeting pics - 1
photos by Julia Schonborn et al


CWA Chair, Mike Codd, honours George Blanchard (below) in absentia
as the 2010 winner of the Don Davis Memorial Trophy.



Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk took the 2010 Red Herring Award for best exemplifying the W Spirit.

Bob Brown was our Most Promising New Sailor.

Trudy Davis was poised and ready to present the Ted Davis Memorial Trophy (Best log of the Year: After Killbear)
but the 2010 winner, Robert Mosher (below), was unable to come in from East Lansing, Michigan

Robert Mosher at the 2010 Killbear Rally

Julia Schonborn made history by becoming the first female winner of the Lansdown-O'Brien Spittoon (for the year's most interesting act of seamanship) which in her case consisted of accidentally pulling the bamboo hand-over pole from the hands of the waypoint #5 minder during the 2010 Trout Lake Poker Race - see further elucidation below:

... an incident at Waypoint 5 that was about to occur has brought about not only our first "protest" in Poker Event history, but also was the basis of a new rule - the "Aggressive Crew Rule", also now known as the "Julia Rule". 
Now, back to the race….. Terry handed off to Sue and Steph and they proceeded on a reach south-south-east toward Rolph Island.  With them on their way, Terry reloaded stick (he was clipping the cards to the stick for handoff to the Ws as they passed).  Al and Julia were approaching fast, Ross and John were right behind, Julia reaches for the cards - and takes both the card and the stick.  Terry scrambles, nothing to use to pass the cards to John, Ross and John sail by - no cards available - they pass the boat and are now downwind and have to work their way back.  Al and Julia get the stick back to Terry, Dave and Carol are handed their cards, Dave and Kim get their cards, Andy and Robin get their cards.  Finally, Ross and John get their cards, now in 6th place instead of 3rd place.  Dave and Carol feel as badly for them as, we are sure, when Ross and John did when they passed Dave and Carol with the twisted spinnaker.

The Queen City YC Trophy was captured by Mike Codd (r) and Kirk Iredale
who were voted our Most Improved racing duo of 2010.

Wresting the Storer Trophy out the long-time grip of Uncle Al were Sue and Steph who had
the best aggregate score from our four major events: the NAs, the two Nationals and the Ontarios.
Participation Certificates were then presented:
BRONZE (20 events) awards went to: Laurie Beehler, Andrew Haill, Sue Pilling, Steph Romaniuk, Kirk Iredale (pics below)

SILVER (50 events): Mark Taylor

DIAMOND (250 events): Mike Codd
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