the 2011
Minutes & Report by CWA Secretary, Fred Black |
Minutes of the Annual
General Meeting of the CANADIAN WAYFARER ASSOCIATION held at TS&CC
on 15 Jan 2011. Chairman, Mike Codd, convened our meeting at 1815, with the eighteen members in attendance introducing themselves. (Another half-dozen joined in as the meeting progressed.) For his Chairman’s remarks he referred us to the 2010 Yearbook DVD that was being distributed. The circulated minutes were reviewed and then adopted, pursuant to the motion of Scott Ramsay, seconded by Fred Black. Business arising therefrom was to be covered in the ensuing reports. Mike drew attention to the financial statement. Although it showed our 31 Dec 10 net worth of $5279.60 to be $700 down from the 2009 figure, the expenses included such one-time costs as paying for books and calendars already received, and the price of a new camera; i.e. our revenue steam ($1833 in 2010) is sufficient to cover ongoing expenses. The $800 cost of trophy pennants was queried and discussed but the meeting considered this expense worthwhile. Mike moved that his statement be approved and John deBoer seconded. Carried. The 2010 slate of officers of the Association were confirmed in their places for 2011, except for the members-at-large. In order to provide planning and liaison regarding the 2013 Worlds, Mike nominated Paul Taylor and Rob Wierdsma of the Mississauga Sailing Club to executive positions, replacing Heider Funk and Reg Bunt as Members-at-Large. Bob Brown seconded, and they were elected. Our Chief Measurer’s kit which now lacks a custodian at Fanshawe Yacht Club, was reassigned to the Connestoga Sailing Club, John deB of FYC passing the set over to Dwight Aplevich of CSC. ![]() This year's Yearbook DVD features Hans Gottschling walking towards W3854 SHADES at the north tip of Watts Island during our 2010 annual Chesapeake Cruise. Al Schoenborn brought the 2010 Yearbook DVDs for those present. Kit Wallace will look after mailing to the rest of the membership. He reported a membership of 97 (including 8 honoraries) which was down from 110 in 2009. Al reported that we may be close to securing the 5-6 orders necessary to get a container load of Mk. IV Wayfarers from Hartley in England (with the builder covering shipping costs). On the International scene, work is progressing on re-formatting our rules into the ISAF format (without changes in substance). Kit points out an ambiguity in permissible mast sections that needs to be resolved. The Wayfarer calendar for 2011 features scenes from the 2010 Worlds, and several are available at a cost of $15. Because of the limited subject matter of that Calendar, the executive will look into one featuring CWA / USWA scenes for 2012. Al noted that the Cottonwood Regatta (in NC) is a “go” for 20-22 May. Andrew Haill invites cruisers to the Apostle Islands (MI) 13-20 Aug, and Rob Wierdsma says that the provisional dates for the 2013 Worlds are Aug 4-9. The business meeting adjourned at 1915, and dinner commenced. At 2115, after dinner, we had a short video clip of greetings from our Honorary Chairman, George Blanchard, recorded at his retirement lodge, to which he is confined by failing health. ![]() It was only appropriate that Mike announced George as a repeat winner of the Don Davis Memorial Wayfarer half-model for his long services to the class. The Red Herring “Spirit” award was made to Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk. Our Raudaschl Rookie for 2010 was Bob Brown. ![]() The Queen City Tray (above) for most improved team of 2010 went to the team of Mike Codd and Kirk Iredale. The Ted Davis Memorial was awarded to Robert Mosher for his Post-Killbear cruise log. The Landsown Spittoon was awarded to Julia Schonborn for her inadvertently taking not only the plastic sleeve with two cards but also the pole being used to pass them across to passing Wayfarers in the excitement of close three-way rounding of Waypoint #5 in the Trout Lake Poker Race. This deprived the following two boats of a rounding close behind Al and resulted in the creation of the "Julia Rule". The Storer Cup for top place overall in our four major regattas went to Sue & Steph. Participation Certificates: BRONZE (20 events): Laurie Beehler, Andrew Haill, Sue Pilling, Steph Romaniuk, Kirk Iredale SILVER (50 events): Mark Taylor DIAMOND (250 events): Mike Codd The evening concluded with Al’s pictorial review of the 2010 North Bay Wayfarer Weekend. |