the 2012 CWA Annual Awards
photos mostly by Al Schonborn



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Uncle Al accepts the Storer Trophy from Mike Codd on behalf of himself and crews,
Shannon Shank and Tony Krauss who couldn't make it in from Michigan..

Michigan's Chip Cunningham was voted our Most Promising New Wayfarer of 2011,
and his acceptance speech was one for the ages: click here to read its text.

Best embodying the Wayfarer Spirit in 2011 was Detroit's Nick Seraphinoff who thus won the Red Herring Award.

Trudy Davis again came in from Guelph to award the CWA's most prestigious trophy: the Don Davis Memorial, which is awarded to a Wayfarer who has made outstanding contributions to our Class over the years. This year's winner, Alan Asselstine, our long-time Cruising Secretary, was unfortunately unable to attend.

Chip chats with Trudy before the latter awarded the ...

... Ted Davis Memorial Trophy for the year's best North American cruise log to Uncle Al (r) and Gary Hirsch (unable to attend) who - along with support team Chip Cunningham (above) and Stephanie Hirsch -  impressed the other Tip of the Mitt Adventure participants with the Wayfarer's amazing capabilities during the 320-mile sail. Gary and Al's report was this year's winning Ted Davis entry.

Contnuing to improve to the point where they are arguably second to no other Wayfarer racers in North America Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk were declared 2011's most improved Wayafers and thus won the Queen City YC Plate.

Having been polished by last year's winner, Julia Schonborn, the Lansdown-O'Brien Spittoon
for remarkable feats of seamanship) is about to be presented by Mike Codd to ...

... (l to r) Nick Seraphinoff, Marc and Julie Bennett, John Cawthorne (and others who were absent) in recognition of the adventures they had, sailing over their new Hartleys' spinnakers as they became familiar with the spinnaker launcher.

Julie demonstrates what she learned in the Hartleys' lecture series:
the crew holds the pole and sheet up and out until the helm takes up the tension on the retrieving line.
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