Canadian Wayfarer Association AGM Sat 14 Jan 2017 * TS&CC Honorary Commodores' Report last updated: 24 Jan 2017 . |
2016 was, for us, proof once
again that time in your boat improves your ability
as a sailor. In
reality, this is was the first year since we
bought the boat
in 2011 that I (Dave H) have been able to really
focus on the racing and spend
the time needed to get better, go faster.
Quite frankly, this is the also the first
time that I could truly say I began to “feel” the
boat, being able to figure out
what we were sensing as “not right” and somewhat
automatically doing the right
thing to correct the situation. Everyone
knows that I have to give a lot of credit to my
shipmate Dave Richardson who worked
hard to get his new hip into competitive shape for
the season. While our non-roll tacks still
need work, as least we didn’t need to resort to
“shuffle” tack we relied on in 2015!
Once again, our volunteers made
a huge difference to the season. Where would
we be without them? No
matter whether it is a racing event at Conestoga,
Mississauga, Parry Sound,
Toronto, North Bay or any of the other numerous
locations across Ontario,
Michigan and other parts of the USA, or cruising
events big or small, it is the
volunteers that make it happen. Thanks to
everyone for the fine work and
good times. The Wayfarer international
competition, the “Worlds”, took place in the
Netherlands this past July.
The reports, stories and results all pointed to a
very interesting, somewhat
challenging week of sailing in variable winds on a
relatively small body of
water using an unusual gold and silver fleet
arrangement. Canada was
represented by three teams, all of whom seem to have
really enjoyed the overall
experience and the hospitality of the hosts in Heeg,
Congratulations to Sue and Steph, Leo and Joanne,
Rob and Daniel for sailing
well and making sure that Canadians were a factor in
the events. The executive was busy again
this year. Not everyone may recognize the
amount of work that goes on in
the background, but the regular executive meetings
hosted by people such as
Alastair and joined via Skype by those of us far
away, have been worthwhile,
productive and sometimes very entertaining.
Thanks to Anne and Scott for
keeping us on
track and the business moving ahead, Kit for keeping
the membership
duties rolling and to Steph Romaniuk for
working hard on the advertising
sponsors! It is also appropriate to also thank
Al Schonborn for
continuing the excellent work with the Whiffle
Web, keeping us informed,
educated and allowing us a direct conduit to
communicate with the rest of the
Wayfarer world. And finally, since there seems
to be a huge amount of grey hair (if we have hair at
all!) amongst the Wayfarer
fleet, we would like to acknowledge and thank Marc
Bennett and Julie
Seraphinoff for all the work they are doing in the
USA side of things to try
and get more young people interested in and involved
in Wayfarer sailing; we
all need to be doing the same. We must make
a point of getting out sailing with someone 20 years
old or younger on a
regular basis whether that be for racing, cruising
or just out for a couple
hours on an evening sail. Our very best regards to
all. We look forward to seeing you in
2017. That includes our good
friend Nick Seraphinoff who finds the bunkers on the
golf course just as well
as he finds the “holes” on a Wayfarer race course. Dave and Carol
Hansman |