Sunday on shore - 2
photos by Sharon Nowak, Uncle Al, Dave Nickels

Now that the cancellation has been announced, Murphy and his law swing into action and the fog begins to lift.

There's even a nice, little breeze.

Pack-up proceeds ...

... always a sad time, especially as the sailing season nears its end.

Mike and Mike do haul-out the hard way while ...

... Brook helps Joe stow the Maltese Falcon mast.

Gary Hirsch slowly ...

... materializes out of the mist.

Woody stands by to assist Craig and Joe with the Interlake 161 haul-out.

Marcie Austerberry (l) chats with ...

... Judi Washburn and Irene Faulkner (r) who don't seem to be suffering at all
even though their husbands are getting to do all the sailing this weekend!

Wayward husbands all: (l to r) John Washburn, Uncle Al, Phil Faulkner

"Still upright" as Woody (l) likes to answer the query "How are you?"

Todd Pascoe enjoys a playful moment with daughter, Katie, before ...

... the entire Team Quiz sits down to lunch.

A final look at parts of the Wayfarer Fleet: (l to r) Stephanie, Wendell Ohs, Gary, Mike Anspach, Brian Johnson
Wendell is a local W who drops in to see us at Clark Lake from time to time - bring your boat next year, Wendell!!

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