Do you want Joe Bossart C Nats photos in original size?

You can also access the images from all three days of the Wayfarer and Albacore – 2018 Canadian National Championships at under the Events Folder. The direct URL to the Regatta images folder is:  

The images can be used for any reasonable non-commercial purposes. All copyrights are retained by Josef Bossart / Redwood 1890. The images are provided as 1,000 x 1,500-pixel images and are ideal for social media and simple screensaver uses. None of the images have been materially optimized beyond a little bit of sharpening and resizing to 1,000 x 1,500 pixels. Some of the horizons are a little crooked, but that’s what happens when you shoot from a rocking boat. The full-sized images, 4,000 x 6,000 pixels, are available with a donation to Sail Parry Sound. These images can be provided in RAW, Nikon NEF format, or full-sized JPEG formats. In the case of JPEG images, light adjustments will be done, but the images will not be cropped or resized. Resizing or cropping is a simple procedure possible with most photo software. The RAW images will be sent full sized with no adjustments. If you understand the concept of a RAW image you are doubtless capable of making your own adjustments to taste. There is considerable highlight and shadow detail in the images that can be exploited.

Full sized images are available for a donation of $15 per image or $50 for four. Donation payment accepted by PayPal to If you are interested in full sized images, please make payment and send your request and proof of payment (screen shot) with the appropriate image number to  The images will be sent to you from Redwood 1890 Photography who will address any technical questions you may have. The image numbers are located at the bottom of the left of any image, for example: Redwood1890_Photo-20180915-DSC_8571. The RAW images are about 30 MB and will be provided as a Dropbox link.


Josef Bossart