June Bug Action Ashore
Al Nichols
Mike Miethig's son
Barb Graff prepares the FD
Roger and Joanne
Amy Biskaborn and Patrick Carroll
Patrick's relaxed dad, Steve
PRO and general factotum, Rick Goldt, and the June Bug 1st place team of Uncle Al and Wayfarer Man
Steve Carroll accepts the Most Improved award on behalf of himself and Bob Kennedy
 Mike Miethig & Son
 guarding the boat???
 (left to right) Steve Graff, Joanne Kumpf, Barb Graff, Roger Shepherd, Steve's dad, Dick Graff
 Amy Biskaborn, sitter par excellence
 Lucy Camacho at home chez les deBoer
 John deBoer relaxes in front of his mobile home after a tough day on the water.
Wayfarer Man relaxes even better.
 Misty takes a throw from Frank.
 Paul Town makes himself right at home at the club.
Alex has a friend for life as Sharon Biskaborn (left) and Sue Goldt appear to be thinking better him than me.
Paul's dad, Scott, needs a hat like this for sailing, wouldn't you say?
Amy Biskaborn and Jenna Goldt enjoy a lazy Saturday evening.
Grant and Scott Town receive the prizes from Rick Goldt...
... as do Alex and Peter Rahn.
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