Lake Lansing Wayfarer/CL Regatta
Lansing, Michigan * Sat 14 May 2011
From: Mary Abel Krauss
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:45 AM

Hello Fellow Wayfarers!

... The 2nd Annual Lake Lansing Wayfarer & CL16 Regatta on Sat. May 14  was an overwhelming success!  The weather was overcast & cold but the rain held off and 5 races were completed under very nice wind conditions with just enough shifts & gusts to make it interesting.  Afterwards, regatta organizers Jim & Maribeth Fletcher opened their home to the group for a great steak dinner, socializing and awards.  Thanks to all at the Lansing Sailing Club for hosting another well-run Wayfarer event!

The Lansing Sailing Club committee posted photos of the Wayfarer Regatta on their flickr site and also posted a 3:55 minute video on UTube. To access these, go to their home page  then click on the desired link in the "Wayfarer Regatta Pics and Video" section.

In a few days Uncle Al Schonborn will probably start posting the official results, his regatta write-up and captioned photos on his website  Until then, here's what we know:

1st place:  W3854  Al Schonborn with crew Matt Sandstrom
2nd place:  W7700  Roger Sheppard  and Don Parker
3rd place:  W3487  Tony Krauss with crew Mark Sandstrom