the Mississauga Wayfarer/CL Regatta
Mississauga SC * Sept. 15-16, 2007
awards pics (mostly) by Uncle Al


The weather is still not overly toasty outside (15°C or so), and awards will be made
upstairs in the club where, conveniently, lunch is also being served.

Regatta organizer, Scott Hansen (l) and PRO, Gord Leachman, will be doing the honours.

2nd in CL 16's: Gary McIlroy (l) who began by sailing solo but then added Rob Wierdsma as crew for the last two races.

CL winners were Colin Junkin and Heather Wood.

3rd place among the Wayfarers went to Marc Bennett and Julie Seraphinoff.

Wayfarer 2nd went to Uncle Al. Crew, Tom Wharton, again had to depart early,
so Scott kindly stood in and helped Al display the very nice trophies that were being awarded.

There was a tie for Most Improved honours. Two teams beat their expected finish position by an impressive two places in the small 8-entry fleet: Rodrick Anderson with Rod McIver (l), and Mark Taylor (r) with brother, Paul. The latter graciously passed on their share of the pennants, since they were also getting their awards as the overall winners (see photo below) of the 2007 Mississauga SC Wayfarer/CL Regatta.

(l to r) Paul Taylor, Scott, Gord, Mark Taylor
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