the Mississauga SC Wayfarer/CL16 Regatta
misc. shore pics
by Gord Leachman


Saturday morning arrived sunny and cool with a forecast for light winds.    - click here for larger image

The new and the old: Nick Seraphinoff's turquoise beauty and Uncle Al's dark green, battle-scarred W3854.

- click here for larger image

the Mississauga SC with its fine new roof garden awnings

Alf Easy came to visit. (l to r) Paul Bill and Mark Taylor, Alfie

Coming in after four Saturday races.

Sunday brought a clear, blue sky with slightly stronger winds.

Coburg's Colin and Heather Junkin sailed their CL but look for them in W1281 next year.

Another cool morning: (l to r) George Waller, Kit Wallace, Sue Pilling

Waiting for wind

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