the Mississauga SC Wayfarer/CL16 Regatta
race 2.1
by Gord Leachman


Continuing patchy, shifting winds kept our mark layers, Bruce Buckingham (l) and Dave Daniel busy much of the day.

Leo and Joanne await race 2.

Master of the super-wide gunwales, Kit Wallace, waits with a less than gruntled George Waller.

The Hartleys may be sleek and stylish but the oldies have it on comfort!!

Daniel looks for wind.

Longtime CL16 veterans from Burlington, Mike and Marg Duncan

Nick and Joe

Sue Pilling holds her version of the "Executive Washroom" which until initiated into its intended ultimate purpose,
was used to hold Sue's share of each of the three post-race beers we brought out with us.

Lucky Al got to drink his half from the bottle.

Heather an Colin

Scott and Jan

At last! Some wind clouds!! This may have been near the end of the first "beat"
of another double sausage endeavour after another shift just after the start.

Blissfully unaware that they were OCS, Uncle Al and Sue (l) hold the lead over the Rahns down the first run.
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Trying to hold 3rd on this close spi reach are Rob and Daniel (l)   - click here for larger image

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