Sarah McCreedy reports back to her
family from the sunny South ... |
Dave McCreedy W1389 Sent: Monday, March 06, 2017 11:08 AM Hi Al, good as always to hear from you. Sarah is and was 10. Here is a partial transcript of her journal (with original spellings)... ![]() We went to setup the boat the race was poesponed. Whall Dad set up the boat I played in the lake by the boat and I stepped on a bee! Ouch! The race was called off for today. We went swimming. The race is back on! They called off the race again. Why! I am excited for tomorrow so we can sail and I am excited for Monday so I can see the ocean! Today we went sailing/race in one of them we came in 8th place [ed. note: it seemed like 8th] and there were 18 boats in the race. We almost tiped a few times. Me and Dad are going to have pulled pork for lunch. I might go sailing by myself on a small boat. It is colder than yesterday, but still hot. We did good in the races. We are going to the Saraphenof’s house for a super bowl party on Sunday! I am very excited!!! ![]() Me and Dad had an acorn throwing contest it was a tie. Then we went to bed. Today there is going to be no wind so they called off the race. Dad took out the boat (frown emoji). I have injoyed this sailing trip. ? I took a lot of pitcures. We did awards and I got a award it is a cool bag! The next day we went to the beach. Fun fun fun! We went on a jet ski, we walked the beach, we went to the pink castle and got ice cream! I had a blast! Sarah McCreedy, age 10 |