Sunday: Race #4 of the North Americans
pics by Uncle Al
After a good start, the three series leaders all went left as the locals had recommended for these conditions, and did well by doing so. The lightweights, Uncle Al with Frank and Peter Rahn with Alex rounded 1-2 onto the reaches. For the lighter winds, Al had decided to take the camera aboard SHADES  and got some nice shots while Frank single-handed the boat.
Aboard second-place Shadow, Alex Rahn keeps an eagle eye on his chute. In 3rd place are Scott and Grant Town (red/white spi) while Nick Seraphinoff and Jennifer Princing (pink and blue Mike Mac chute) are enjoying 4th place.
It's a pretty closely bunched fleet...
... that parades down the first reach.
Winds faded a bit down the second reach where it paid to go up in the lulls and down with the puffs.
Peter Rahn (5631), Scott Town (9239), Nick Seraphinoff (behind Peter), Brian Jeffs (red/white/blue spi)
and Bob Frick (near mark) follow Al in 2nd through 6th places.
Peter and Scott enter one of the mild puffs.
The start of the run: Brian Jeffs (red/white/blue spi) has moved up into 4th while Nick Seraphinoff (pink/blue spi) and Bob Frick (light blue/yellow/red spi) are neck and neck for 5th.
A wind streak is catching up to Peter Rahn. It's hard to say whether it would have been
worth his while to sail higher to get into it sooner.
Note how Peter and the others are now running down to stay in this puff longer!
Passing the start mark 2/3 down the run.
Textbook form for Peter and Alex. I believe Peter is standing well forward and holding the boom out.
Staying forward lifts the stern out of the water (less drag!)
and standing enables him to easily move his weight to eliminate helm (less drag again!)
An interesting rounding shapes up for the leeward mark
with Nick Seraphinoff (pink/blue spi) caught in strategically poor position on the outside.
Bob Frick is poised to round inside and ahead of Brian Jeffs in the battle for 4th place.
Note how both spinnakers are filling well, helped by a total absence of leeward heel!
Nick could make life easier for his spinnaker by sailing dead flat or with a slight windward heel!
In the end, it was Al and Frank holding their lead over Peter and Alex who in turn moved closer to catching Scott Town who took 3rd in this one. Despite Bob Frick's controlling position at the leeward mark, it was Brian Jeffs who pulled out a 4th and consigned Bob to 5th ahead of Nick Seraphinoff. Still unaware of their weed problems, John and Dolores deBoer settled for a 7th while George Blanchard rounded out the top eight.
With the VHF broadcasting a severe weather warning for the area, Race #5 was wisely cancelled and we headed back to the club.
Our happy host, Nick Seraphinoff,...
... and his jury-rigged extension tiller.
Not to mention his crew, Jennifer Princing, who got absolute rave reviews from Nick.
The high point of Wally Merrill's weekend...
... as he undoes the jury-rigged main halyard on Geoff Edwards' Jansubar.
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