the 2008 Wayfarer North Americans
Mississauga Sailing Club * September 13-14
race 1.1
photos by Iza Hansen, Carol Hansman and Gord Leachman

Dave (l) and Al trudle out into a very light breeze indeed.

Paul (l) and Mark Taylor

Alastair (r) and Dave Ryder-Turner

A little speed test? Colin Junkin/Martin Boeykens (1820) vs. Rob and Ben Wierdsma

Looking back at the club and its harbour.

Our mark layers are ready for action.

Bjug Borgundvaag (l) and Eric Schaefer are set to go to work.

Michael Clayton

Mike and Kirk get set for some upwind practice as the mark laying proceeds.

Colin and Martin are in fine form.

Gary and Emily

A fine demonstration of the art of heaving to: Mike and Kirk (r)

Alastair and David

A quick tack and they meet ...

... Dwight (r) and Al fine-tuning their spinnaker.

Ben has the helm aboard the Wierds-mobile.
Meanwhile Dave Hansman's spi refresher course is about to be completed with a douse.

Dave and Al

Julie and Marc

Tom and Heider

Mark and Paul

Jim and ...

... Linda


Al and Dave check the start line as the Race 1 countdown has just begun.

Dave Hansman smiles for the camera.

A line check for Jim and Linda as well

Stuart Rauch
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