the 2011 Wayfarer North American Championship
awards - 2
pics by Uncle Al


The Brothers Taylor, Paul and Mark (r) accept congratulations and a silver W from Lilly.

4th overall went to Tony Krauss and Uncle Al (r).

Mike consults with the boss before calling up the 2nd-place team ...

... Heider Funck and Tom Wharton (r).

Anticipation as the new champions are called up ...

... Richard Hartley and his son, Mark (r). Here Richard is expressing his frustration with the fact that
little Sue Pilling did not wilt under his threatening presence in the race that she won earlier today.

Delivery!! For Messrs Hartley!!

Congratulations to our very worthy new champions!!

Typically, Nick Seraphinoff (centre) ...

... brings out the worst in us all.

(l to r)  Mark, Nick and Richard who did indeed - in the immortal words of Larry, the cable guy
-  "get 'er done", and who deserve our thanks and gratitude.

Until such time as Mark and Richard come back to Canada this pixel view of the championship trophy with ...

... their names on it is the best we can do for them since they had to leave this heavyweight behind.
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