the de Boers' trip to the
2008 North Bay Wayfarer Weekend


After returning from Rock Hall, we spent one day at home. We then travelled to North Bay where we met our regatta hosts,
Dave and Carol Hansman, who had already set up camp - complete with W insignia - for their 5-day regatta.

Lori (l) and Ross Jamieson, our friends from Callander, were there to meet us.
We spent the rest of our North Bay time travelling back and forth to their estate on Lake Nipissing.

Saturday: Frank Goulay and Kim Bergevin arrived from Ottawa in time for the Canadians.

Under the watchful eye of our pet Callie (Callie was born in Callander a year ago), we all got ready to attend the ...

... skippers' meeting.

A nice view of the North Bay YC's yacht basin

Awards were presented by Carol Hansman to our newest Wayfarer sailors from North Bay,
Taylor Marsh (16) and Ryan Willick (15) (l).

Some of us stayed for Monday's Poker Race on Trout Lake.

Our host, John Richardson, waits for the first finishers at his cottage with Anne and Fred McNutt.

While waiting, Anne wastes no time and picks up some trash.

Also there to welcome us, was Kiki, one of Anne and Fred's children who is now a mother of two.
Seated are Carol Hansman's sister, Cathy Jessup (r) and Anne McNutt.

First to finish the Poker Race were Dave Richardson and Lori Beehler,
looking good after a hairy ride to the familiar Richardson homestead.

Al and Julia came in on a nice plane.

A peaceful view of the participating boats on the beach at the Richardsons'.

We had a very nice lunch, and then most of us sailed back across the lake.
A few of us would be sailing the NBYC's Canada Day Race the next day, from North Bay to the Yacht Club in Callander.

Dolores, Michele and I were fortunate to have been invited to again stay with the Jamiesons on Lake Nipissing.
(l to r)
Dolores, Ross, Lori and I took in a dinner cruise on the Chief Commanda that I highly recommend.

Here we got a different view of North Bay, Lake Nipissing and Callander Bay, including ...

... mark J5. Well, who wouldn't want to take picture of that!?

A view of the NBYC from the Chief

And a nice view of the shoreline near the Jamiesons' house

Dolores and I used the week to do some fishing.

I got to hold the big one for the picture; Dolores caught most of them.

And the cleaning was left to me as well.

As you can see, both of us did get our share.

This was our last trip to the Jamiesons' home on Lake Nipissing. They are moving to Callander at the end of July.

There will always be a sunset over Lake Nipissing.
The de Boers - Dolores, Michele and I - are forever grateful to Ross, Lori, Brea and Bret
for the hospitality they have shown us the last three years. We will never forget the splendid time we have had
and always will have with your family. Thanks a lot from the bottom of our hearts.

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