the Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac Deschênes Sailing Club * July 22-23, 2006
Saturday: Race 2.3
by Kim Bergevin & Doug Netherton


While these three race to get their chutes drawing ...

... Robin and Carolyn (6071) move along in 4th place with no such worries.

But not for long! Andrew and Penny are using the Canadian flag spinnaker to good advantage. They have taken over 4th place and have their sights set on Lori and Jason. Dave and Brian are still struggling with their chutes but seem to be getting better breeze and moving past the spinnaker-less Robin anyway. Jamie and Ben (r) are ...  

... closing in as well.

Marc (3854) and Bill (937) approach the gybe mark.

Andrew has switched places with Penny in order to fly the spinnaker which he is doing very well but we do have a clear case of transom drag here. Andrew and Penny need to sit well further forward!

Jamie (r) moves past the overtrimmed chute of 6082 and the spi-less Robin.

Aha! Bill and Frank have gotten better breeze and passed Marc and Al to windward near to gybe mark, and have rounded onto this second, closer spinnaker reach with ...

... the lead.

A nice puff has Jamie (4594), Brian (6082) and Robin gushing right along as ...

... they pursue (l to r) Lori, Andrew and Dave.

A tough leg on which to try to pass anyone, so Marc and Al (3854) will be content to ...

... stay close and to ...

... maintain a good attacking position for the upcoming beat.

Lori maintains a narrow lead over Andrew as both boats come out of their gybes. Poor Andrew has switched again, taking the tiller for the gybe. Sooner or later, he and Penny are bound to figure out that it'll be easier for Penny to learn to fly the chute!

Another close rounding: Jamie has somehow managed to get the inside from Brian who had that position last time we looked.

Nearing the leeward mark, it's a close race among (l to r) Andrew (flying the spi once again!), Dave, Brian and Jamie.

Lori and Jason (l) continue to hold them all off nicely.

The occasional wind shift made it a challenge to keep the spi full.

Jason (3140) and Andrew (4610) give their chutes their undivided attention. No doubt Ben (4594) is, too.

Two spinnakers strain beautifully to a puff as Dave (282) tries to pass Andrew.

Good thing Penny is a lightweight because she's sitting too far aft!
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