the Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac DeschĂȘnes Sailing Club * July 22-23, 2006
Saturday: Race 5.2
by Kim Bergevin & Doug Netherton


Marc and Al decide to hold on just a tad longer into this knock since we are nearly on the starboard lay line. As I recall, everything went right for us in this race, including a last-second lift that got us around an iffy weather mark.

Surprise! Surprise! Brian and John (2nd from left) have found happiness on the right side and are now coming in along the starboard lay line, poised to round 2nd.

Bill (937) can cross Andrew here but can he tack without fouling Jamie (4594)?

Doesn't look like it to me, but with a camera's zoom lens in action, it's hard to be sure from only looking at the picture.

What a mess! Looks like Bill has stopped in mid-tack, having just noticed Jamie (4594). The latter decides that ...

... this would indeed be a good time to tack and does so crisply.

Aboard 937, Frank quickly backs the jib to get out of Dave's way. Interesting how tight John has sheeted Brian's jib aboard 6082. Is that the Mike Mac Quantum design or are they just getting nervous?

No matter ...

... Brian and John have Afternoon Delight around in a fine 2nd place.

Jamie and Ben (4594) demonstrate what can sometimes be achieved by tacking to underlay the mark a bit. If Jamie had held port until he was sure he could lay the mark ...

... ... he would have rounded behind both ...

... Andrew (4610) and Dave (282).

Bill (yellow hull) looks a bit down after this latest kefuffle of his and Frank's strange day.

Suddenly, Bill comes up (to defend his wind?). This is a dangerous time for Dave (282) who will be busy with the spi hoist, and prone to not keeping a good lookout.

Good! They've seen Bill and taken avoiding action. Meanwhile, Alan (7346) and Robin (6071) approach the mark on port, and way back there, we have Jason, to whom the right side has not been nearly as kind as to Brian!

This close spinnaker reach would have been a good time for Brian (red and white spi) to sail really high early until everything was all set for a fast hoist. Meanwhile, he could have pushed Jamie (4594) and Andrew into going low. As it is, Brian ...

... is about to get buried in ...

... most frustrating ...

... manner. Meanwhile, Spinnaker 101 continues for Penny Gumley who is serving the apprenticeship we all did.

Jamie and Ben (4594) need their weight further forward: Ben up near the shroud, Jamie near the aft edge of the main thwart. Note how their transom drags by comparison to 6082.

Ditto for Andrew and Penny who got the spi up just in time to avoid getting passed by Dave (282) and Bill. Note how the latter is wisely going way low since he won't want to get into luffing matches with the other four boats near by. The trick for Bill here will be to pick gusts in which to bear well away to combine his separation with longer time spent in the gust.

As Andrew and Penny (4610) give chase, Brian (6082) comes up in an attempt to re-take 2nd place from Jamie.

Threatening looking clouds and increased breeze have Penny taking  a "death grip" on the rub rail, something I vividly recall doing on a dead run under spinnaker in 30 knots during the 1989 Denmark Worlds. Hard to steer  sitting that far aft - especially in my case since I had Tom Wharton snuggling on my lap.

It remains a close, exciting race!

Looks like Brian has moved back into 2nd. Of course, Jamie still has the the inside with the gybe mark coming up. If only they'd get their weight forward, lightweights, Andrew and Penny, might well pass both Brian and Jamie! But then, considerate husband that he is, Andrew probably doesn't want to put Penny into any nasty situations like luffing matches.

Perhaps Andrew could steer and fly the chute, giving Penny the mainsheet duties with one overriding instruction: "Keep it in your hand. Uncleat and let go, if I tell you to/scream at you in fear." This worked with my son, Dave, when he was a young lad of 10 and we had a windy close reach under spi.

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