Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac Deschênes Sailing Club * July 22-23, 2006 Regatta Report by Uncle Al |
Deschênes SC hosts perfect 2006 Wayfarer Ontario championships
This year's Wayfarer
Ontarios were held in perfect sailing weather July 22-23 at Ottawa's
Lac Deschênes Sailing Club. Regatta Chairman, Robin Allardyce,
had dozens of volunteers step up to assist and the result was an
outstandingly enjoyable regatta in every respect: fine food, exciting
racing and superb hospitality (which this year included beautifully
upgraded bathroom facilities!). The sailing was exceptionally good in
fairly steady winds ranging from 5 to 15 knots that permitted PRO, Mike
Trant and his very capable committees (see photos below) to
give us seven fine races.
Special thanks to Kim Bergevin (below) who cooked us great Saturday breakfasts and to Nancy Webster who made the coffee as well as to those who made us our lunches. Our Saturday night meal was changed from restaurant fare to a steak cook-out (below) at the club this time. This approach met with unanimous approval since it let us socialize far better than in previous restaurant trips. And the food was also better! As far as the racing was concerned, we got in five close-fought Saturday races in overcast conditions before the sun came out for two final races on Sunday morning. Congratulations to our photographers, Doug Netherton and Kim Bergevin, who documented the racing (and shore festivities) with nearly 2000 great photos (which I have managed to cut down to 1200 or so!!) Defending champions, Al Schonborn and Marc Bennett (above), alternated at the helm and were in top form again. They made very few mistakes as they methodically ground down all opposition in scoring seven firsts. Bad knee and all, Bill Fyfe came out and teamed up with Wayfarer Man, Frank Goulay. Despite several attacks on our marks and a couple of near capsizes, this Ottawa team were fast enough to score five seconds and take the runner-up position. North Bay's Dave Hansman and his wife, Carol, showed the benefits of lots of racing done at the North Bay Wayfarer Weekend as they showed excellent form in taking the blue 3rd-place flags. Showing fine consistency in finishing 4-4-3-2-4-3-3, the 6th-seeded Hansmans were also our Most Improved team at the Ontarios. Well done, Carol and Dave!! Fourth place went to Ottawa's Andrew Gumley who had to miss race 1 due to an offspring's soccer game before sailing the remaining Saturday races with his wife, Penny. On Sunday, Andrew's dad, Phil (formerly W3642) was dragged out of retirement and acquitted himself nobly as well. It was lovely to see Jamie Abbott and "little" Ben (Ottawa) back with us this year. They started their series well with a couple of thirds but could not maintain the pace and ended up in series 5th. Brantford's Brian Hickman and John Bouckhuyt finally made it up to Ottawa for a regatta. Led by John's amazing hiking prowess (above), team 6082 was regularly in the hunt and ended up scoring a solid 6th-place finish. Three more Ottawa-based teams rounded out the roster. In 7th place, we had our "spirit girl", Lori Beehler who alternated at the helm with Jason Hassard. Both Jason and Lori are improving each time out and are a joy to have at our regattas. Despite having no spinnaker and really, really clapped out old sails, Robin Allardyce and crew, Carolyn Jordon, sailed a competitive series and, according to Robin, learned a lot from the weekend's sailing. Tied on points with Robin was our team of two CWA Cruising Secretaries, Alan Asselstine (current) and Tim France (ex) who also took turns at the tiller. They, too, were regularly competitive and even looked good under spinnaker. The one sad thing about this year's Ontarios was that more Wayfarers did not make the effort to attend and thus reward the many LDSC members who busted their butts to give us a great all-around weekend. You missed a marvellous weekend, TSCC guys and others! Finally, a personal thank you to Frank Goulay who not only lent Marc and me a tent but had it all set up, complete with air mattresses, by the time we arrived Friday evening. We owe you big time, Frank!! Thanks so much! |
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