the Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac Deschênes Sailing Club
* July 28-29, 2007
Friday night
pics by Dave Hansman

(l to r) John and Dolores de Boer, and Robin Allardyce check out Tony Krauss's Trouble. Due to recent knee replacement ...

... surgery, Robin (l) was not going to be able to sail the Ontarios, but was - luckily for us - able to be Regatta Chairman!
(clockwise from left) Robin, Bill Fyfe, Andrew Haill, Mary Abel, Tony, Lori Beehler

Dave Hansman's sister, Liz (l), came over to join ...

... her sister-in-law, Carol (r), for a ...

... delicious-looking BBQ at the club.

Of course, Dave was there as well.

Some of our regatta personnel were enjoying the evening as well:
(clockwise from left)
Albert Cole, Janet Foster, Paul Pinault (W3933), Stuart Pursey, ???,  Nancy Webster-Cole

(l to r) Tony, Mary, Andrew, Lori

Marc and Al (2nd and 3rd from right) arrived just after sunset after an uneventful drive from Toronto.

Early registration for Uncle Al

Ruth Abbott signs up her husband and son, Jamie and Ben.

Bill Fyfe (r) checks the totals so far, while Nancy E. Webster holds the money and Paul and Marilyn Pinault look on.
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