the Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac Deschênes Sailing Club
* July 28-29, 2007
Saturday race 2.4
by Doug Netherton

A good duel is set up here as Paul and Marilyn in White Lightning will try to hold off Tony and Mary.

Andrew and Colleen have some catching up to do.

Andrew gives Colleen ...

... some on-the-job ...

... spinnaker training.
An interesting battle just in front of Andrew, as this foursome gets ...

... a nice breeze which is even more veered and will likely require gybes to reach the reaching mark - as
can be seen by the four boats further ahead: (l to r) Jason (3140), Tony (4105), Paul (3933), Andy (555)

Andrew very wisely concentrates on his sailing and leaves Colleen to figure things out at her own pace.
Many of us could learn from this!!!

A lovely little breeze that has backed a bit, as we can see from the fact that Sue (4677) and Andrew G. have gybed back to starboard. Right about here, we should all be thinking ahead to the next reach. Is there anything we should prepare for?

Indeed there is: Since this leg has been more or less a run, the next reach should be correspondingly much closer, possibly too tight to fly the chute to advantage? Al and Marc (l) are about to find out. A pretty impressive come-back for Dave and Carol, who, having gone right and then gybed back in, have moved into a ...

... a clear 2nd place and have cleverly positioned themselves so that they ...

... won't need to gybe onto the upcoming very close spinnaker reach.

Spinnaker-less, but having defended the inside, Frank and Kim will ...

... be inside at the mark and thus ...

... entitled to any reasonable amount of room they care to take since they are the right-of-way boat (leeward).

Here, the lack of spinnaker is a blessing, since Frank can just gybe without any rigmarole, and ...

... quickly ...

... take ...

... off ...

... while Andrew and Steve have to fiddle with their chute. This would be a good time for Andrew to gybe his jib and luff up some: If he can hold Frank off until his chute is set, Andrew will hold 3rd place. But alas, the opportunity passes, and ...

... Frank sails over Andrew's wind. And things are about to deteriorate further for Andrew whose ...

... spinnaker halyard seems to have uncleated itself, as has his mainsheet! Meanwhile, note how Frank (who could stand to vang his boom until it's level) is defending his wind while he still can. If he waits until Jamie (4594) gets a windward overlap, Frank will be severely limited by Rule 16 which will require any course alteration made by Frank to be done in such a way that the give-way boat has room to keep clear. Jamie (4594) has caught up very nicely on the just completed leg, but is now in a tough situation. What should he do here - stay high, go low or follow right behind Frank?
If it were I, sailing high would be my choice: crank the main in, get the board full down, and pinch up as high as the spinnaker will tolerate. Frank will then undoubtedly come up as well. Once Jamie is sailing the closest possible spi reach, he and Frank should have very little speed differential, and both should pass Andrew in short order. If Jamie is desperate to pass Frank, he can wait until Andrew is safely astern, and bear away a good four lengths to leeward of Frank in the first puff that comes along. If the reach is not too tight, Jamie might then be able to spinnaker through to leeward of Frank.
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