the Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac DeschĂȘnes Sailing Club
* July 28-29, 2007
Saturday race 3.3
by Doug Netherton

Wow! Look at that John (7351), still pointing like a dream!! Again, note how, by staying away from the lay line, John has been able to take advantage of this lift, and has extricated himself from the pack above, a pack he was part of just moments ago!!
- for full-size pic, click here

Keep your eye on Tony (4105) here: This is a perfect spot for Tony to take a small risk. He should be virtually certain of laying the mark and being too cautious and bearing away here, could cost him half a dozen boats!! Judging by this and the previous picture, Tony will complete his tack outside the Two-Length Zone and thus will not be subject to Rule 18.3. In fact, Tony has been more cautious than I would have been. He could very likely have afforded to tack one length earlier, and thus avoided almost ...   - for full-size pic, click here

... getting "rolled" by Jason (3140). Not the best of beats for Frank (648)
who won't have much to lose here by taking a chance or two. So ...
- for full-size pic, click here

... he tacks underneath the gaggle of windward boats who all appear to have slightly overlaid the mark. Meanwhile, the mark can't come too soon for Tony (2nd from right) who will hang on to round 4th ahead of ...  - for full-size pic, click here

... Jason in Green Side Up. Looks like Frank (648) has a nice lane of clear air here, and ...

... may well follow Bill (6th place, yellow hull) and Andrew Gumley (2nd from right, 7th) to ...

... round in 8th place ahead of (l to r) Andrew Haill, Dave, Sue and Colin,
all of whom he would have had to duck, if he had held port tack.

An interesting-looking exchange between the ladies here. I wonder what Carol (l) and Heather were saying to each other.

Meanwhile Frank and Kim slip in ahead of all of them.

Often ignored, disturbed water created by boats near by and as nicely captured by Doug above ...

... can slow a boat down considerably. This seems to be happening to Dave (black hull) here
as he plows through the wake being created by Frumious Bandersnatch.

Here Sue is just about to round barely ahead of Andrew Haill.

With the fleet bunched this much, getting used to the W4610 spinnaker set-up will prove costly for ...

... Steve and his helm, Andrew, in WindShadow. While both are engrossed in their tasks,
Frank in KGB and Sue take his wind and roll on by.

Later, near the end of the second beat: It appears that John has moved past Jamie (l) into 2nd place behind Al (r). Note how John has Silverfox trimmed to absolute perfection. Al's main is twisted off a bit too much, something that will happen to Al when he and Marc have been able to hike the boat down without vang use but then hit a surprise gust for which they have not yet vanged. It's a trade-off in these marginally overpowering conditions. Using the vang too much too soon, depowers the main unnecessarily, but if a gust hits, the vang wants to come on PDQ. (Marc's job while Al uncleats the main and gets set to ease the sheet.)

Yes, indeed. John and Dolores have it wired!

Judging by the apparent mast heights, Frank and Bill (yellow hull) are about dead even in forward distance. What Bill needs to do here is to avoid letting Frank sail over his wind. If necessary, Bill should foot off, even slightly below the mark and then shoot it at the last second - he'll have lots of speed that will let him do this. If Bill lets the pinching instinct run riot ...  

... this will ...

... happen.

It seems like a small enough thing, but by the time Bill gets Buttercup properly underway again,
he will have lost Jason (far left) and be life and death ...

... to shoot the mark successfully, now having far less speed than he would have had if he had footed off in the first place!! I don't know if Bill managed the mark shooting - I wouldn't bet on it here - but I do know that Frank (no spinnaker and all) went on to take 4th in the race while Bill ended up 8th.

Exhilarating sailing as Tony and Mary approach the rounding inside of ...

... Dave and Carol.
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