the Wayfarer Ontarios
Lac Deschênes Sailing Club
* July 28-29, 2007
Sunday - 3
by Doug Netherton and Uncle Al

The photo is lovely but the the racing prospects are not.

Still, Kim and ...

... Frank are enjoying this beautiful summer's morning on the water.

Andrew Haill gives Colleen a turn at the Njord tiller - nothing but excitement here!

Lori and Jason demonstrate the right drifter form as well: major heel to reduce wetted surface.

The view from SHADES: looking downriver towards Ottawa

Andy Douma may have the perfect ...

... idea for this day!

The rest of the 2007 Ontarios races have been cancelled. Dave gets started on the packing up.

Mary Abel (l) and ...
... Dolores de Boer

Two guys from Friesland: Andy Douma (l) and John de Boer

Steph Romaniuk and ...

... Sue Pilling have discovered that this day of complete calm is perfect rope-end-burning weather!!

It'll be hot dogs and burgers from the LDSC barbecue for our lunch.

Uncle Al chats with Nancy Webb who along with her husband, Ron, is the new owner of W10247,
which they will sail out of their cottage on the Lyndhurst River, west of Ottawa.

It was a pleasure to have Heather and Colin and their CL sailing with us.
They fitted in perfectly and we all look forward to racing with them lots more in 2008!

The early end of the day's racing gave us lots of time to just relax and enjoy the day.
(l to r) Tony, Marc and Jason

They're beauties but they're not sleeping: (l to r) Dolores, Mary and Kim

I forget who it was that asked me to try out the CWA camera's macro abilities on this.

Trying out the delicious Grolsch beer in the original classic bottles brought by team SHADES
(clockwise from left) Tony, Dave, Steph, Carol, John, Dolores, Marc

Team Frumious gets set for the trip home to Coburg.

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