the 2009 Wayfarer
Ontario Championships
...Lac Deschênes SC * July 25-26 Uncle Al's Report |
Weather gods smile on
select group of Ontarios Wayfarers!
being surrounded by nasty weather of all kinds
(rain, thunderstorms, no wind) in
the Ottawa area on the weekend of July 25-26,
Wayfarers at the Lac Deschênes SC for the 2009
Ontario championships got nothing but glorious
sailing breezes Saturday and Sunday after a
momentous Friday evening downpour (below).
![]() Added to the perfect sailing winds, temperatures were warm if not hot so that we really had no complaints in the weather department. And as always, Regatta Chair, Robin Allardyce, had galvanized numerous Lac Deschênes Sailing Club members into effective, friendly volunteer action so that the entire 29th annual Wayfarer Ontario championships again went off like clockwork, and very hospitable clockwork at that! All in all, we were treated to a first-class weekend of sailing, socializing and just plain fun! Unfortunately, only eight crews were able to take part in this year's fun as no fewer than five of our regulars were unable to attend for various very valid reasons: Mike Heath-Eves, Dwight and Pat Aplevich, Dave and Carol Hansman, Lori Beehler and Andrew Haill as well as Paul and Marilyn Pineault. Next year, gang!! Although no one can promise that we'll get sailing as ideal as this year's!! ![]() Despite overcast conditions that seemed to threaten rain at various times (above), our Saturday went off precisely as the organizers had envisioned it: two races > lunch ashore for an hour > three more races after lunch. The first two races (triangle-sausage-windward) went off in light to medium airs before we headed in for an enjoyable lunch served up by our hosts. ![]() By about 2 p.m. we were out on the water once more and our efficient RC wasted no time in getting us under way in breezes that continued to gradually increase (above). Despite the need for repeated course changes as the generally easterly winds veered and backed a number of times, our RC gave us three more fine races, once more with triangle-sausage-windward courses that started and finished about a third of the way up up windward leg. The evening's socializing was highlighted by an excellent feast built around wonderful "grill your own" steaks, helped in no small way by an absence of rain and by our having tons of great stories from the day's racing to exchange. Having sailed five strenuous races, we were all pretty pleased to make it an early night. ![]() Sunday morning arrived gray and gloomy-looking but with a nice 10 knots or so of easterly breeze (above). Near the end of the first of two scheduled races, thunder could be heard on the Quebec side of the river. Our RC suggested cancellation of the final race to be on the safe side, and all participants heartily agreed. Thus we were back ashore and enjoying another fine LDSC lunch by about noon. Once more winning the Ontarios was Oakville's Uncle Al, this time with his wife, Julia as crew, who last helped Al to an Ontarios victory in 1982 at the Royal Hamilton YC. Julia and Al had SHADES going great guns upwind and then held off Chich with Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk of North Bay whose light weight seemed to give them an edge off the wind. While the Schonborns reeled off a decisive series win with a string of firsts, Sue and Steph almost lost the series runner-up position due to breakdowns. On Sunday morning, Team Chich discovered that three strands of their supposedly new port shroud had broken, and Steph and Sue were prepared to sit out the Sunday racing. Until Bill Fyfe graciously volunteered to let them use his beautiful wooden W937 since Bill was no longer in contention for this series anyway. But some things are just not meant to be: No sooner had Steph and Sue reached the start area than their main halyard snapped and they had to limp back to shore under jib alone. But the sound of thunder spelled a series second for Team Chich when it caused cancellation of the finale and left Sue with only one unsailed race, one that she could drop. Ending up only one point behind second place were the LDSC team of Frank Goulay and Kim Bergevin in KGB who last year were co-champions with Uncle Al and young Angus Wilson. This year, the lack of spinnaker has been hurting Team KGB, and working hard over the Saturday lunch hour, Frank had KGB spinnaker-ready by race 3. Full marks to Kim who did a great spinnaker-flying job in her very first attempt - see photo above. ![]() RC Chair, Robin Allardyce (l) congratulates the Asselstines on being Most Improved. After starting slowly with a last-place finish in race 1, 6th-seeded Alan Asselstine and daughter, Tania, recovered impressively to take series 4th despite using their cruising sails which include a main with two sets of reef points. By finishing two places above their seed, Alan and Tania took Most Improved honours for this year's Ontarios, a feat matched by Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk (seeded 4th but placing 2nd!!) as well as Andy Douma with Carolyn Dumas (finishing 6th after being seeded 8th). And what a pleasant surprise it was to have Bruce Henderson with us again after many years' absence due to fatherhood. Bruce and his crew, Jim Cragg, finished exactly where our seed had them: 5th. And by placing 3rd in the final race, they saved their best for last!! Following the Henderson/Cragg team were the aforementioned Most Improved duo of Andy and Carolyn. Tied in 7th place were Bill Fyfe with Marc Billard and Robin Allardyce with Angus Wilson. Both of these teams seemed to perform better in the first two races where we got lighter airs. After some Saturday evening talk, advice and adjustment, both Robin and Bill were all set to try out some changes, but it was not to be: Bill gave his boat to Sue to sail as previously mentioned, and Robin and Angus capsized in a gybe just prior to what ended up being Sunday's only race which they then missed. Thanks again to our hosts, the Lac Deschênes Sailing Club, and to its many volunteers who gave us an absolutely splendid 2009 Wayfarer Ontario Championship! I do hope that many more of us will be able to join in the fun next year!! ... |