From: Marianne King-Wilson
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2015 3:27 PM
Subject: Online Sail Parry Sound Regatta Photos

Hello, Al

The Regatta Photos are posted permanently at as a considerable improvement Jo has established.  They remain at his website as well, for a time.

Best regards



From: Josef Bossart    
Sent: 23 August 2015 13:47
To: Marianne King-Wilson
Subject: Online Regatta Photos
I quickly realized that WordPress was not ideal for presenting a large number of photos, so I have since created an account at SmugMug. The images are uploaded at SmugMug by day. Here’s the link:
I will keep the WordPress images up for the next couple of months and then probably retire them, but leave them at the SmugMug address.  

From: Marianne King-Wilson
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 3:33 PM
To: Al Schonborn (Wayfarers Assn)
Subject: Photos


Hi Al!

Jo Bossart has started to post his Regatta images at There are a dozen or so images up at this point and he plans to add more.

The images are posted as thumbnails that will open to a larger image when clicked. To go back to the thumbnails view, hit the back button and choose another image.

Here’s the link -

It can also be accessed by going to and clicking on the 2015-08 Sail Parry Sound link in the top menu.

Thanks for sharing your pix—now it’s our turn!


Quality over Quantity

Larry Connelly has posted two spectacular shots plus the following:

From: Connelly of Parry Sound
Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎August‎ ‎19‎, ‎2015 ‎9‎:‎32‎ ‎AM

A picture far better describes what I was trying to say this morning.  The top section shows sailboats stretched out for half a mile; less than 4 minutes later ..........
Connelly of Parry Sound

Marianne King-Wilson explains:

From: Marianne King-Wilson
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 12:38 PM
... Larry is a friend of the club who was taking pix without our knowing it.  His are marvellous.
These photos at Parry Sights (sister website to Parry Sounds—both his own)  are from Josef Bossart, who was our official volunteer photographer. You probably met him on water or on land.  Jo volunteered last summer to be our regatta photographer.  So glad you are enjoying them! 