a few memories from the early 70's and our
annual Spring and Fall Regattas
that began andf ended our year on the Chesapeake Bay
at the late Podickory Yacht Club

pics mostly by Uncle Al


The first weekend in May, a few of us would head down past Baltimore to open our Wayfarer season with the USWA Chesapeake Fleet. The first weekend in October, we repeated the trip to close out our sailing sailing season.

1973 was the year Son of Snoopy went - with much difficulty - into a basement. W852 had been orange in 1971 but this year was really going to turn a few heads: a cross between pink and mauve - periwinkle Color Your World called it.

My landlord and sometimes crew, Clay Taylor, did much of the work.

Freddie Schueddekopp sometimes supervised.

The afternoon before the regatta, Freddie and I stopped off in Oakville to pick up my crew ...

... Erik Yeo (l) whose sister, Jeannette, was there to see us off. It was at this that we discovered that the hull was slightly crackedon the starboard side where one of the V-shaped support pieces that should have been made longer was slowly caving the hull in. It didn't look too bad, so off we drove towards Buffalo and the NY Thruway. Having put in a long teaching day at school, I soon handed driving duties over to Erik reminding him not to do any violent left turns, what with our delicate hull situation. A few hours later I awoke when my head bounced off the right inside of the car. "Erik," I yelled, "You weren't supposed to turn left violently!!" "Had to. Beer store." We soon saw the worst. The cracked area was now completely stove in. I thought we were done for the weekend, but then I remembered that I was the jury-rig king of Wayfarers, and would not go down that easily. We moved the boat aft on the trailer so that the trailer's cross support was now directly below one of the boat's cross support pieces - see pic below. When we got to Podickory, we would hammer the plywood more or less flat and tape (medical tape - no duct tape as yet) over the mess. As well we began to pray for wind so that the bailors would work - hopefully faster than the water came in.

Saturday 0600 hrs: Erik Yeo. Pretty chipper after the all-nighter, is he not?

Our support team, Freddie, with his morning beer.

He, too, looks in good form.

Getting there so early left us with time for a bit of tom-foolery.
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Since Erik was the guy who punched the support through the hull, he got to do the taping while Al supervised.
Note the boat has been moved aft on the trailer as mentioned previously.

Uncle Al also seems hale and hearty after the long night.

Wow! Even a shave!

Feeding breakfast to the W852 mascot, a rubber Snoopy. The boat leaked a fair bit
but we got lucky with the wind and the bailers kept us properly afloat.

Erik Yeo with new Wayfarer, Nick Seraphinoff, who impressed us to no end with his eagerness to fly and learn
the spinnaker even when he knew the screw-ups would several times lose him the race.

larger image here

Is that Frank Pedersen and his kids at the barbecue?

Our host Louis Nees with whom our paths would cross again over ten years later at McGregor Bay near Sudbury.

May 1974 - click here for larger image

May 1974 - click here for larger image

Lunch on Frank's Wayfarer: Frank's first wife and Linda Heffernan? (l)