the 2007 Pumpkin Regatta
Fanshawe YC * Sept. 29-30
Sunday shore pics - 2
(mostly) by Carol Hansman, John de Boer & Uncle Al


After Sunday's racing: Uncle Al prepares to haul SHADES ashore for the final time in 2007.

While their helms are off getting cars and trailers ...

... Pat and Mitchell look after their Wayfarers.

Also waiting in the haul-out line are the warriors ...

... from ...

... 1812.

Tony and ...

... Mary help John pack up for 2007, while Françoise and Doug pack up their blue W1366 after a very brief sailing season!

Tony is all set to take Waratah to ...

... her new home on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

Having heard that the green slime is very hard to remove if left to thoroughly dry,
not to mention that it can infect other sailing waters, Al and Dave have ...

... given SHADES  a thorough scrub and power rinse before ...

... they finish packing up. Note Steve Carroll (W6066) in the background with his Laser.
After scoring an upset win over Kevin Biskaborn and Rick Goldt, Steve should really look happier than this!!!

Al's crew, Dave Hansman, puts the finishing touches on a great day by conjuring up a pair of Dark 'n Stormies.

Support teams: (l to r) Carol, Dolores, Michele

Françoise listens with laudable attention as Doug underscores an important point?

Now this is more like it!! Smiles all around as John retrieves the spinnaker he lent to W1366.
(l to r) Françoise, John, Doug

Wayfarers poised to head home right after the awards ceremony.
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