the 2007 Pumpkin Regatta
Fanshawe YC * Sept. 29-30
race pics: Saturday - Race 3.3
by Mary Abel


But Sue (l) won't give up without a fight as she moves past Steve (2nd from left) who then ...

... turns the tables a very short time later: Probably Steve (3rd from left) tacked onto the juicy starboard lift now being enjoyed by the green Y-Flyer, and then tacked back to move into a potential lead over Sue (2nd from right, near the far shore). Meanwhile, Dave and Al (far left) were the first to get the most consistent breeze of the day.    - for full-size pic, click here

Mary moved back up the cliff to get the next series of great shots. Here, Al and Dave close in on the mark, all the ...

... while praying that this huge gust cell - the end of which is slowly moving south -
will hang on long enough for SHADES (l) to round the mark and run down with it.

And it ...

... does!!!

Meanwhile, Sue (4th from left) has split tacks with Steve (4th from right) as she tries to regain 2nd.
- for full-size pic, click here

As the SHADES spi (l) is quickly hoisted, the three left-side beating boats have been lured into tacking onto
the unfavoured port tack, judging by the port boats to leeward of them.    - for full-size pic, click here

Dave has our spinnaker up and flying with admirable rapidity as we meet ...

... the leading Y-Flyer who needs to keep clear since he's on port and we're on starboard.

As Steve (2nd from right) comes rolling in right along the edge of ...

... the good wind, there is a wind wrinkle for SHADES where Al will now luff up sharpish in order to
(a) increase apparent wind, and
(b) cut across to what he expects/hopes will be a stronger streak of breeze.

Et voilà: already, we've reached better pressure. Meanwhile, Steve (l) has moved into a commanding 2nd
over Sue (4th from right) who is lying a solid 3rd.    - for full-size pic, click here

As Al and Dave (red spi) zip along very nicely, Steve (l) ...   - for full-size pic, click here

... has found that he will not lay the mark, and has thrown in a quick hitch on port where he now tacks again to keep clear of ...

... the leading Y. Sue (3rd from right) has gone pretty much to the edge of the calm and is now tacking for the mark.
Dave (orange hull) is looking good in a nice breeze.    - for full-size pic, click here

A lovely panoramic view of the lake and the fleet from the cliff, as ...    - for full-size pic, click here

... Steve (5625) rounds as 2nd Wayfarer. If he ends up on a collision course with the Laser coming along closehauled, Steve will be windward boat and have to keep clear. At this moment, his crew, sitting to leeward, will likely have warned Steve about this right-of-way boat to look out for. Sue (4677) and Dwight (r) are coming in along the safe starboard tack lay line. Dave (2nd from right) has just hit a major knock, and should likely tack here: being well ahead of the next Wayfarer, he can take a risk or two here. With luck, he might lay the mark and get around ahead of Dwight. Besides, the alternative will see him stick to an unfavoured tack, and if he continues on a few lengths after crossing Dwight's transom in order to avoid tacking into Dwight's backwind, Dave may well end up sailing into ...  

... the dreaded "no-winds land". In fact, the best of the breeze has already moved south past the mark as Sue ...
- for full-size pic, click here


... rounds. She and the luckless Dwight (head to wind in the middle?) and
Dave (3rd from right) will have very little wind left to work with.
- for full-size pic, click here

No such problems - yet - for Mike (CAN90) and Len (r) who are still headed upwind in a nice breeze, or for ...

... Uncle Al who casts a ...

... wary eye astern while Dave keeps the spinny in perfect trim.
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