the Pumpkin Regatta
Fanshawe YC, London, ON *
October 1-2, 2011
Saturday morning on shore
pics by Julia Schonborn and John de Boer


Chich and SHADES ready to depart from the de Boer Hilton

Sue Pilling in the Fanshawe YC boat park

Steph Romaniuk

Scott Ramsay (l) and Leo Van Kampen

It was cold, damp and windy!!

Nick Seraphinoff (l) and Nikos Damaskinos unpack the beautiful new Hartley Mark IV. which draws the ...

... crowd - (l to r) Kirk Iredale, Mike Codd, Vera and Jeff Eames, Uncle Al

Nick tries his sales pitch on Jens Biskaborn.

(l to r) Steph, Sue, Chip Cunningham in Solje

Jens Biskaborn and his son, Brad

Steph and Chip

Chip and Sky

Uncle Al (red) and Robert Mosher get W3854 ready for the day.

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