the 2006 North American Wayfarer Rally
Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence River,
Cedar Point State Park, Clayton, NY * July 28 - August 5, 2006
Fri 4 Aug: pictures - 4
by Uncle Al

Dick and Margie begin their beat back home.

In the gusty winds and increasing waves, it was getting tough to get the zoom focused in on ...

... Tom and Nel.

Margie and Dick slog it ...

... out!

Lucky it was a hot day and the flying spray was refreshing!

Bill and Margie relax as best they can.

As the winds continued to gain strength - note the gust line on the deceptively flat-looking water - Uncle Al took the camera from the aft tank one last time to get one panoramic view and ...

... one final zoomed shot before the camera was sealed into the tank and we got down to the serious business of getting home.

An hour or so later, Tony and Al had made it back to the marina, spray-soaked and tired but otherwise fine. It was fun to watch Dick and Margie make their expert landfall and capture it in pixels. Note the evidence of nasty gusts even on these normally  very sheltered waters!

Dick and Margie one more time - poised to cope with anything the winds may bring.

Haul-out time for Tony and Mary after one great week at Cedar Point State Park.

Tom and Nel capsized and self-rescued with relative ease but happily accepted a (fast!) tow back to the marina.

Everyone from the Coast Guard to the local police were there to help if necessary, which was appreciated, but their presence did come with a lot of question-answering to be done!

One farewell dinner out at the Fair View Manor which was surprisingly uncrowded on this, the first day of the Antique Boat Show in Clayton. Of course this place is a couple of miles outside of the town, so that may explain it. (l to r) Julia, Betty, Mary

Julia studies the menu intently.

Brian enjoys the sunset.

Mary enjoys safely getting off today's stormy waters.

Ralph probably wishes he were still out there jousting with the elements!!

These guys, of course, really don't care much about the weather.
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