the 2008 International Wayfarer Rally * Hermit Island, Maine
Getting There Was Half The Fun - 2
by Ton & Connie Jaspers

Another reason why I wanted to go to New York.

Typical Brooklyn architecture?  Brooklyn, another classic Dutch name: Breukelen, where our Dutch Proctor spar dealer lives.
And here is typical Dutch first name for you: Jan-Kees (Eng: John-Cornelius), pronounced: Yankees. Note that this "Yankees" is a not plural. 

A nice paint job and as American as it gets. 

The mother of all roller coasters, today it is an official National Landmark - and about the only thing worth visiting!
The rest of the world famous Coney Island fairground is in dire need of a total overhaul.

The boardwalk. venue of many famous movies and songs. Remember Clark Gable?

A good thing I saw this after I had my hotdog. Think of it... 59.... Yuck! Only in America.

Here is the reason why we went to Coney Island in the first place: Lunch! There are two once in a lifetime things a man has to do in New York: 1. Have New York Pizza on Broadway and 2. have a real New York hotdog. The best are made by Nathans on Coney Island. And it is true, I never had a hotdog like this one before, it was worth the long wait. It was even better than the "Franske Hotdogs" from Denmark (my favourite before this one).

Stillwell Terminal, the worlds largest terminal facility and recently beautifully restored. Covered with thousands of terracotta tiles. The roof
of the new train shed, in classic European style, is covered with 76,000 square feet of thin-film photo voltaic cells, delivering a whopping 210 kW (nominal) or 250,000 kWh annually. The station does not need external power, it even feeds back in to the grid despite the enormous amount of train movements. I should know who the architect was ... Just a sec ... 
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