Original Message -----
Alan Asselstine
all Rally participants
Monday, August 02, 2010 9:59 AM
Declaration - Killbear
Many have met my request to agree to the declaration, some have
not. If you are among those who have not, please do it now.
This declaration was developed after much discussion and was used at
last year's Rally.
respect your rights and responsibility for your boat as its Captain.
However, we will be sailing as a group to which you will also
have a duty. Thus, we need your agreement with the following
You can show your agreement by hitting 'reply' and type the
AGREE WITH THE DECLARATION; your full name; your boat number; your
you for your co-operation on this issue.
.......Alan Asselstine, MAJAM, W7346
am satisfied that the buoyancy within my boat meets the required
standard for a Wayfarer buoyancy certificate. Further, I have
checked, and am satisfied that the boat and all its fittings are
seaworthy. My crew and I will be sailing with adequate
weatherproof clothing and personal buoyancy. I will be fully
insured to cover damage to other craft and personal liability.
Whilst I appreciate that every effort will be made to ensure
everyone’s safety, I understand that ultimately, I alone am responsible
for deciding whether or not my abilities are sufficient to allow me to
go out or stay out on the water at any given time during this rally.
In matters of safety, I will err on the side of caution, and I
recognize that I will be sailing entirely at my own risk.