the 2009 Midwinters & U.S. Nationals
getting there - 2
photos mostly by Peter Rahn

Alex Rahn (above) and his dad, Peter, get set to kiss the snows on Montreal good-bye.

Magically, the next thing we know is it's Wednesday and the Rahns have arrived at Lake Eustis where
three Wayfarers are already lined up in the visitors' parking: (l to r) Uncle Al, Andy Douma and Richard Watterson.

As always, the lovely clubhouse looks inviting, and if it weren't for the temperature, things would be perfect!!

The Rahns' newly arrived Shadow will get a scrub before moving in beside ...

... Richard Johnson's yellow beauty Free Range Chick'n.

While the hose is warmed up, Peter gives his car that clean Florida look!!

Windy and cool. Lake Eustis is ready, but are we????

Well, at least the boat can be set up and ...

... the gear given a good airing!!

Boat duly covered and parked, Peter is ready for the defending champion's classic routine: a nap!

Nah! Even from here, that looks like it is too cold and too much work!!

PR, call home!!

Wednesday sunset

Thursday morning: That cold NW wind that came with the Arctic cold front continues to blow!

John and Dolores de Boer arrive from London, Ontario with their beloved camper.

After three days on the road, Silverfox gets a well-earned shower from ...

... John.

Late afternoon: Eventually a few people did go out sailing as the winds finally lost strength but here ...

... Lake Eustis remains empty.

Alex waits for warmth and action.

Richard Johnson has - wisely - set up headquarters inside the club.

Andrew Haill reports: Just by chance we flew over Lk Eustis and the surrounding lakes en route to Tampa.
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