the Warm Water Regatta
Conestoga Sailing Club * June 18-19, 2016
report by Uncle Al
last updated: 27 June 2016  1241 hrs

Very competitive fleet enjoys great winds at Conestoga's Warm Water Regatta


(160626)  After a fine race-training day was given us by Thomas Fogh on the unfortunately windless Saturday at the Conestoga SC, the winds returned just right for Sunday's 4-race Carling Trophy series. When the spray had settled, Oakville's David and Anne Pugh (above) had edged out three teams that ended within two points of the lead. Falling just one little point short of victory were  North Bay's Dave2 (Hansman and Richardson) while Toronto's Alastair Ryder-Turner with son, Andrew, was another point back in series 3rd after winning a tie-breaker over reigning Canadian champions, Sue Pilling and Steph Romaniuk of Parry Sound. Results and pics here.

The Pughs - with regatta organizers, Leo Van Kampen (l) and CSC Race Captain, Mark Dineen
 -  pose with their hard-earned Carling Trophy.

The fleet was more evenly matched than ever in the top half this year as only the 8 points separated first from 8th in our very healthy 16-boat fleet. The winning Pughs scored their 7 points from 3-1-3 finishes while the runner-up Hansman/Richardson team wre just behind at 5-2-1. Dave and Dave were also one of three teams that beat their seed by three places and thus shared in the Most Improved honours for the 2016 Warm Water.

The 3rd-place tie between Team Pilling and Team Ryder-Turner had to go to the second level as both teams counted 1-4-4 finishes. So it came down to who beat whom in the last race that both sailed, and that was the finale in which Alastair and Andrew were 4th while Sue and Steph placed 6th. Mike and Marg Duncan of the Mississauga SC were next, counting 7-2-2 (11 points). The top host-club entry was next in 6th overall: Leo and Joanne Van Kampen (6-3-5). One point further back were TSCC's Mike Codd and Kirk Iredale (2-6-7) who took series 7th on a tie-breaker over Uncle Al (5-7-3) [most 1sts, most 2nds, etc.]. Having been seeded 10th, Mike and Kirk were also Most Improved. Meanwhile, Al continued to tweak his solo-sailing techniques which improved nicely as the day wore on, except for getting buried at all four starts.

TSCC's Kit Wallace was happy to accept a ride with CSC's Ken Nethercott in Al Nichols' Unplugged which meant he could leave Peregrine at home. The 8th-seeded Kit and Ken did about as expected as they piloted the new-to-Kit boat to series 9th. The first a two CSC club boats being raced placed 10th overall in the hnds of Al Laderoute and another young man whose name escapes me at the moment. If you get the opportunity, get the lads to tell you about some of their equipment malfunctions and the many things they plan to remedy if they borrow a club boat in 2017.

Brantford's Brian Hickman and brother, Don, of CSC took 11th place overall in Afternoon Delight while CSC's Mike Fisher and Pete Draper took the third slice of Most Improved honours when the series 12th beat their 15th seed by three spots. In fact, according to my seeeding records, this was Mike's first time beating anybody in an open W regatta, as he and Pete have taken over Leo and Joanne's Mark III and its racing career.

Another local Conestoga team, Jan d'Ailly and wife, Alannah, scored a pair of 11ths after an inauspicious series beginning and moved up to finish 13th in the 16-boat fleet. Another husband/wife team, Rob and Rose Wierdsma of the Mississauga SC called it a day after placing 12-10 in the initial races and finished 14th overall.

Series 15th, a mere one point back of the Wierdsmas, went to CWA Secretary, Scott Ramsay, who teamed up withW1561, Les Sherratt, who is crewing to add to his beginner's Wayfarer knowledge. A second club boat was sailed by Geo Miller and Christine Correia who also found the club craft tough to race at a high level and ended up 16th overall. We have some hopes of seeing Geo and Christine in Wayfarers more often. I do believe the gist of their words in this regard was to the effect of "once we get older and more decrepit". Al left the weekend with Geo's offer to crew for Al when possible: light, nimble, knowledgeable and handsome! Who could ask for more in a crew!!

Many thanks to the many Conestoga volunteers whose hard work made the 2016 Warm Water such a terrific success.

Windless Race Training with Thomas Fogh Beneficial Regardless

Twenty or so eager sailors showed up on the Saturday morning of the Warm Water weekend, ready to be educated, and we were. Even though the wind went home for the day half-way through our first racing drill. Undaunted, Tom took us through a variety sailing improvement talks that were informative and fun.