Warm Water/Carling Trophy Regatta 2021

Conestoga SC * August 21-22

Light-air Warm Water Enjoyed by Select Few

Small but sweet, a fleet of four boats competed in seven races over two days - August 21 and 22 - in the 2021 Warm Water Regatta at Conestoga Sailing Club.   Saturday's two races were classic technically difficult drifters.  Even though all the boats took different paths across the lake, there was still congestion at the marks more often than not.  After the first day it was a three way tie for first.

Sunday saw progressively increasing wind with a steady "blow" at 3 to 4 knots at the end of the day.  Five back-to-back races were completed.   Sue and Steph had their bullets again, winning all five races to win the Carling Trophy (above) with relative ease. Meanwhile, Leo and Mike exchanged second and third spots, and were tied entering the final race where Leo and Joanne just eking out a second place finish in both the race and the series.  Congratulations to all who sailed.  Special thanks to Stephen Mercer who stepped up to make his debut as a race officer.

As usual, there was a great Saturday evening meal at Conestoga Sailing Club with a Canada-themed dinner of wild barbecued salmon, fresh-picked corn, a wild rice and lentil pilaf, a blueberry-based salad and bannock (
(originally in indigenous Canadian cooking) a type of bread made with wheat flour, shaped into round, flat cakes and fried or baked.). As usual, leftovers made a meal for after the races on Sunday.   Special thanks to Alannah d'Ailly and Dorothy Lillace for the food prep.
