Wayfarer Heist Regatta 2024
Peterborough Sailing Club - August 24-25
Regatta Report

By Rob Wierdsma
Photos to come by Anne Pugh

2024.08.31   The weekend did not start with an optimistic weather forecast. Saturday’s forecast on the morning was 4 knots gusting to 4 knots. Sunday’s forecast was even less optimistic. Fortunately, the wind on Saturday did show up blowing from the southwest, aligning roughly with the length of the lake.  As usual for any wind other than NNE or SSW, the wind was gusty and shifty.


The SI’s were written to permit additional races on each of the days so that winds too light to sail on either day could allow for enough races for a drop.  This allowed five races to be completed on Saturday.  The first three races were a modified Olympic course (triangle-sausage-windward) followed by two windward-leeward races on a sausage course.  Guest race officers were David and Anne Pugh, in the neighborhood on a brief layover from their North American travels.  Thanks Dave and Anne!


In the first race KGB sailed by john Koetsier with owner Frank Goulay as crew took first place. The duo accomplished this by sticking to the left side of the beat and keeping tacks to the minimum (This despite trying to finish a leg before the actual finish – well done John)!


In the second and third race the run to the gybe mark was quite tight with some boats choosing to leave their spinnaker in the bag.  On the run some boats chose left with success and other successful boats chose right, the middle didn’t seem to pay off.  On the beats, boats that seemed to be doing well early might wind up further back when rounding. It was all about looking for pressure and hoping for a favourable lift.


Races 4 and 5 saw a switch to a windward/leeward course as the wind started to die and the race committee wanted to maximize the races on this, the more favourable day in terms of wind.  Watching for pressure and tacking on shifts was again an (obvious?) winning strategy with team Wierdsma and team Ryder-Turner having the most success in figuring this out.


Sunday's 10:30 am start time came and went without an an appearance by the wind.  At noon a gathering was called, and the consensus was to drop the AP flag in favour of an N flag (abandonment).


Once again, the competitors enjoyed the lovely venue of Clear Lake and the Peterborough Sailing club. Most teams expressed their desire to get one more regatta sailed with Fanshawe being the likely choice.

more to come


from 2023:

Ken Faurschou and Gilles Beaulieu of the Peterborough Sailing Club took series 7th in one of the heisted Wayfarers, Blue Streak.